PS3, PS4 or Xbox360, Xbox One Official Gamer Tag

nellv2 @nellv2
PS3, PS4 or Xbox360, Xbox One Official Gamer Tag
nellv2 @nellv2
So I was looking around and couldn't find one.
If there already is one i would be happy to take this one down.
Just as the name Says just comment your Gamer Tag or PSN Name and The system Your on. Goal is to find more Otakus To Play Games With Online.
Xbox360: Nellv2
PS3: EndlessWaltzes

eru @eru
commented on
PS3, PS4 or Xbox360, Xbox One Official Gamer Tag
eru @eru
PSN: tseiran
not sure what I could possibly play with people but more friends on my list wouldn't hurt~

Aka-san @redhawk
commented on
PS3, PS4 or Xbox360, Xbox One Official Gamer Tag
Aka-san @redhawk
Xbox Gamertag: Imm0rtalChicken
psn: Belmont909

dayofender @dayofender
commented on
PS3, PS4 or Xbox360, Xbox One Official Gamer Tag
dayofender @dayofender
PSN: manychickens

l @chantz
commented on
PS3, PS4 or Xbox360, Xbox One Official Gamer Tag
l @chantz
Xbox one:Rockbot5

jay_jay_ @jay_jay_
commented on
PS3, PS4 or Xbox360, Xbox One Official Gamer Tag
jay_jay_ @jay_jay_
PSN: Raidou-IX

LEN KAGAMINE @avalution
commented on
PS3, PS4 or Xbox360, Xbox One Official Gamer Tag
LEN KAGAMINE @avalution
xbox360: AVAlution

Raito @raito
commented on
PS3, PS4 or Xbox360, Xbox One Official Gamer Tag
Raito @raito
psn: andrewgoins1994

Dell Honne @justshadow32
commented on
PS3, PS4 or Xbox360, Xbox One Official Gamer Tag
Dell Honne @justshadow32

ccdove @ccdove
commented on
PS3, PS4 or Xbox360, Xbox One Official Gamer Tag
ccdove @ccdove
Xbox 360: ccdove
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