Looking for relationship?

nerovega @nerovega
Looking for relationship?
nerovega @nerovega
I like many people i've seen on this site are pretty disappointed more people aren't interested in trying to get to know each other on a romantic level. comment/message/add if you feel the same way :) I also know there are other threads similar just thought i'd make one as well

kibathekute @kibathekute
commented on
Looking for relationship?
kibathekute @kibathekute
I definitely feel the same way. I'm more disappointed that there aren't a lot of homosexual guys here on the site...

Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
commented on
Looking for relationship?
Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
Right here! I'm right here! Wait o.O. What are we talking about again?

kibathekute @kibathekute
commented on
Looking for relationship?
kibathekute @kibathekute
Hahaha, well, I think nerovega was talking about how many people actually use this site for relationships. And I said I was disappointed because there aren't any guys interested in guys on here...so I'm all alone. :(

nerovega @nerovega
commented on
Looking for relationship?
nerovega @nerovega
i know i feel alone too :(

Rain @rainx
commented on
Looking for relationship?
Rain @rainx
Site traffic is inconsistent at best and since everyone is so spread out, unless you live in a large metropolitan area or populous state like CA or FL, your chances of finding someone local are kinda low.

meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
commented on
Looking for relationship?
meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
No girls from pa, whenever I find someone they havent logged in for 3 to 4 years! Then I run into some really weird profiles... sigh. Other sites turned up similar results so it may just be the area I live in.

nerovega @nerovega
commented on
Looking for relationship?
nerovega @nerovega
Ya i feel ur pain man. can't find anything :/

PansexualFangirl @pansexualotaku
commented on
Looking for relationship?
PansexualFangirl @pansexualotaku
I can't find any girls interested in girls. Where are the homosexuals??

aliceluckyfox @aliceluckyfox
commented on
Looking for relationship?
aliceluckyfox @aliceluckyfox
Im bi so that counts... Yeah hi
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