Is It Weird?
aschthebloody @aschthebloody
Is It Weird?
aschthebloody @aschthebloody
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DJ T-Tom @theycallmetakeo
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Is It Weird?
DJ T-Tom @theycallmetakeo
That sounds like an awesome combination...then again, I'm weird so...take that as you will.
Rain @rainx
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Is It Weird?
Rain @rainx
I don't really think so, but I wouldn't limit your search to such a requirement.
Nethlight @nethlight
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Is It Weird?
Nethlight @nethlight
I have to agree with Cecil. lol
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
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Is It Weird?
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
Give them bitches miso dipped fried tofu on a stick
Bitches love miso dipped fried tofu on a stick
aschthebloody @aschthebloody
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Is It Weird?
aschthebloody @aschthebloody
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Konaa @konaa
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Is It Weird?
Konaa @konaa
Correction.. We love cannons AND miso dipped fried tofu on a stick.
aschthebloody @aschthebloody
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Is It Weird?
aschthebloody @aschthebloody
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Konaa @konaa
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Is It Weird?
Konaa @konaa
We also enjoy sarcasm ^.~
aschthebloody @aschthebloody
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Is It Weird?
aschthebloody @aschthebloody
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