strongest anime character

Xanxus @xanxus
strongest anime character
Xanxus @xanxus
I think Layfon from chrome shelled regios is the strongest. he never used his full power. he could take down goku or itachi!

Insanenerd @insanenerd
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strongest anime character
Insanenerd @insanenerd
No no no, it has to be Adam Balde from Needless. He can steal peoples powers from head buting them.

Firelord_Wheeler @tader_salad
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strongest anime character
Firelord_Wheeler @tader_salad
Kenshiro from Fist of the North Star. I'm pretty sure Layfon, Goku, Itachi, Kamina or most anyone else didn't make any heads explode from punching them.

kurokame @kurokame
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strongest anime character
kurokame @kurokame
Son Goku Dragoon ball is my pick Because when the Z fighters get going planets bite the dust its over the top I know. power steallers are cool and with kenshiro your already dead, but with the strongest ever, I think the only entity in anime deserving the title is Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann. Why because at the end you have this awesome fight where galaxys bite dust time is warped and demensions crack, all Simon says when faced with advaries on this level is simple "who the hell do you think Iam"

Squirrel_in_my_coffee @squirrel_in_my_coffee
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strongest anime character
Squirrel_in_my_coffee @squirrel_in_my_coffee
Aisha Clan Clan. She can rip you to pieces and change into a powerful were-creature!

Zen94 @zen94
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strongest anime character
Zen94 @zen94
Lelouch. command kill your self >.<
simple and easy

sentnal @sentnal
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strongest anime character
sentnal @sentnal
Goko is the ultimate if you remember at the end off DBZ GT the dragon balls formed into goko making him god goko which makes him stronger the anyone in the unaversehands down

sentnal @sentnal
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strongest anime character
sentnal @sentnal
Goko is the ultimate if you remember at the end off DBZ GT the dragon balls formed into goko making him god goko which makes him stronger the anyone in the unaversehands down

Blaspheme @blaspheme
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strongest anime character
Blaspheme @blaspheme
i'de have to say Hild from Ah! My Goddess. she could pawn Goku, travel back in time and kill him as a baby. Hild is pretty impossible.

Haku Yowane @akanekuran
commented on
strongest anime character
Haku Yowane @akanekuran
i'm going to say naruto cause he has rapid growth development and even though he can't think worth a crap he's good at making last minute decisions that make the battle go the way he wants.
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