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How to talk to a girl?

Dec 19, 14 at 12:25am
^Haha don't XD. All jokes (and trolls) aside just talk to them normally. If you're nervous bring a friend. And if things don't go well, on to the next one I guess.
Dec 19, 14 at 7:38am
Has anyone reported that fake account yet?
Just tell her she belongs in the kitchen and demand that she make you a sandwich. Jokes aside, I'd say what most people are saying... Be yourself. You don't need to lie and pretend you're someone 'greater' than you are. Lying is very unattractive. Try to avoid flattering her too much... This can come out in a few different ways. 1. It makes you seem too clingy 2. It sounds like a load of BS 3. It makes compliments seem a little less special. They kind of lose their effect after a while... It's like, "Okay, I get it..." I also think when you talk to a girl, you want to try and tell her more about yourself. It's good to ask her questions to get to know her, but make it so she doesn't feel like she has to do all the talking. Tell her something interesting about yourself that could spark some good conversation. Anyway, that's kind of all I've got for now. Good luck y'all!
Really shy so apart from the Internet i can't talk to females
For starters I'll echo the "Be yourself" thing. What you actually open the conversation with is situational, but no matter what it is be friendly, courteous, and respectful. Make eye contact with her, you don't have to stare intensely but for gods sake don't zone off and stare at her boobs or something! And don't try to do that fake smile crap, it doesn't make you look friendly just gives you a serial killer vibe because most people can tell when a smile is fake. Just relax and let the smiles or whatever face you make come naturally. And most importantly (I know this is hard, I do it) try not to presume she's not going to like you, being nervous can make it hard to think straight and keep the conversation flowing. Try to relax.
keyword for how to talk to any girl.. or guy.. regardless gender.. it will always mount down to the same thing.... just let things take their natural courses in a conversation... start with saying hi... if it turns out you have something that is of a common interest or something like that... things should flow naturally as you talk about common interests.. dont make it strained, that's just awkward...just be yourself.. (:
Dec 21, 14 at 1:57pm
MonjaChan has the right idea. My high school consisted of one single classroom with a very small class. Their wasn't enough people to date but we did get to know everyone as almost family. So, talking to girls is just the same as talking to guys for me. I guess some people need to switch modes and forget the whole dating and gender thing and just enjoy discovering someone new.
If only it were as simple as tying your shoes :( I've done everything by the good books including being myself, but relationships are too demanding of perfection these days. People change too quick and suddenly they go from nice to nasty. I was engaged for one year to a very beautiful and passionate woman, but when she started spending and expecting too much money, she went from grateful to spoiled and I lost her forever when she put me on the spot about a stupid paycheck that took a little longer than expected and yet she bragged about having patience and understanding. Guess her true colors finally came out, now she won't even keep in touch with me like we agreed on. Funny how people can be so manipulative and yet too blind to think of other people's feelings, that's how we eventually find out once we've had our fill of the nonsense and constant different excuses. Hey, she lied to me before, how can I trust her now?
Dec 21, 14 at 2:48pm
Yeah I agree with Jas and Monja. Most of the time when I hear people who have trouble just talking to the opposite gender, it's usually cause they're psyching themselves out and reading waaaaay too much into it. It's just a conversation, nothing more nothing less.
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