Super Powers
Razgriz @razgriz
Super Powers
Razgriz @razgriz
Sometimes do you ever wonder when watching an anime or show that the characters had abilities far that of normal human and you wish you had that kind of power? If you had a choice of 1 power or ability what kind would you choose. I would personally Choice the Power of electricity. The ability to control that kind of power has so many uses like for instance free travel with a electric car lol
Sobi @sobi
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Super Powers
Sobi @sobi
LOL. I have actually had an interesting discussion about that with some friends while camping. I would personally go for shape-shifting. Then I wouldn't have to treck all the way to the outhouse to re-leave myself.
Damniana @damniana
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Super Powers
Damniana @damniana
I would want telekinesis. Mostly so I could fly. But shape-shifting would be fun too o.o
NES @rumuwi
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Super Powers
NES @rumuwi
Kronos @kronos
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Super Powers
Kronos @kronos
I would like to have control over time, like being able to freeze and reverse it. I thin kthat would be cool :D
commented on
Super Powers
High-energy ionized flatulence.
marioboy @marioboy
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Super Powers
marioboy @marioboy
i would like to have the power to summon persona's
Kaji @kajithevagrantsoul
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Super Powers
Kaji @kajithevagrantsoul
Razgriz has the right idea. He chose a power that has MULTIPLE uses, not just one. Same for me. I'd choose PHOENIX POWER. Think of it: Fire power-Cooking, No sickness from heat(fever, heatstroke), No burning your tongue on hot food, never getting cold, being able to save energy on air conditioning during summer(immune to heat!). If you smoke(though I don't smoke or recommend it), you can light your own cigz, and if you're clever, you can "Pull off a Moltar" and burn any digested food(if you feel like doing that), be able to heat up water in a bath without WAITING, can survive in hot AND cold(maybe) environments, be able to regenarate body parts and/or yourself and stay youthful. Oh, and let's not forget you can BURN STUFF AND FLY!
Wonderlust @sica
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Super Powers
Wonderlust @sica
The ability to manipulate an alternate dimension sounds pretty bad ass to me, being able to escape to another universe that bends to your every whim, like I'm God.
Clyzard @clyzard
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Super Powers
Clyzard @clyzard
I would say the ability to control matter, like morphing stuff to whatever you want it to be.
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