UHM.. UH.. Hi.

Rori-Hime @teacuplolita
UHM.. UH.. Hi.
Rori-Hime @teacuplolita
Y-yeah. ;v;

ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
commented on
UHM.. UH.. Hi.
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
Hello, welcome...most of the members are probably asleep right now, lol.

Rori-Hime @teacuplolita
commented on
UHM.. UH.. Hi.
Rori-Hime @teacuplolita
Ah, I know, right? I've got terrible timing because of my whacky sleep schedule..

Animekid @animekid
commented on
UHM.. UH.. Hi.
Animekid @animekid
I'M AWAKE! But I can't/shouldn't use my left hand right now XD.

Rori-Hime @teacuplolita
commented on
UHM.. UH.. Hi.
Rori-Hime @teacuplolita
Aww, why not? Didya hurt it?? D:

Astoroto @kantaroth
commented on
UHM.. UH.. Hi.
Astoroto @kantaroth

Rori-Hime @teacuplolita
commented on
UHM.. UH.. Hi.
Rori-Hime @teacuplolita
Ooooo. This is Sheep. :D

Ryvius @ryvius
commented on
UHM.. UH.. Hi.
Ryvius @ryvius
Loli Princess? lol.
Hello Kitty.

Rori-Hime @teacuplolita
commented on
UHM.. UH.. Hi.
Rori-Hime @teacuplolita
Yup. Loli Princess. You can thank my friends for that. ;v;
And yeah! I love Hello Kitty. A lot..

Animekid @animekid
commented on
UHM.. UH.. Hi.
Animekid @animekid
Yea I did :( I overtaxed it mostly with a ton of typing and now it really aches with just a little bit of use :(
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