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We don't smile enough

I'm liking the photo Mr, especially the light behind, makes you look quite holy ;) and the quirky eyebrow. I love people who smile, it makes them look less threatening...though a lot of people do tend to have fake smiles, which a lot of the time makes them look like they're just constipated. When I smile I get dimples and my eyes crinkle - I'm not good at fake smiling...same as lying. I just can't do it - I just go red and start laughing. I can always find something to smile about; flowers, kittens, a gorgeous day...the new series of Free! (wooo!). Come up to Scotland! Everyone waves at everyone and if you start a conversation with a stranger be prepared to tell them your life story...these people are really intrigued up here...by everything....
Loli --> Lol, I have a hard time imagining you in the Navy. But the forced socialization might be good for you, but I'm not a good person to talk about the military since I'm biased against it. My dad was in the Air Force and I automatically rebelled against everything he tried to push on me. Also, while there are plenty of good people in the military, it does tend to attract low income people who tend to be under educated and ignorant and a lot of guys who are trying to show off how "bad ass" they are by joining. Though the Navy shouldn't be bad as the Army or particularly the Marines. I think the Marines would be my personal hell. You seem to do something I do but much worse than me. I do tend to second guess and over analyze myself when talking to people. Silly things like "If I talk to this person too much will they get tired of me?" Or "If I say something this way will they be offended?" Or "What will they think of me if I say this?" But then I realize that I'm worrying too much and as long as I express myself correctly, I shouldn't worry about it so much.
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