Anyone from Wisconsin?

Morphbox @morphbox
Anyone from Wisconsin?
Morphbox @morphbox
Any Otaku from Wisconsin in here?

scarleti @scarleti
commented on
Anyone from Wisconsin?
scarleti @scarleti
right here.

Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
commented on
Anyone from Wisconsin?
Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
not right here o.O (scarleti is really from alaska, don't let her lie to you) D=

animefreek94 @animefreek94
commented on
Anyone from Wisconsin?
animefreek94 @animefreek94
I'm from Wisconsin. (:

slyfire09 @slyfire09
commented on
Anyone from Wisconsin?
slyfire09 @slyfire09
I do!
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