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It's Been Awhile

Hello maiotakuens. I haven't posted in quite some time. I just recently moved to Pittsburgh and have been busy with a number of things. New job, school, and when you add a LD (Long-Distance) boyfriend into the mix, you get no time via the internet. Anyways, right to the point. I need some advice. My boyfriend and I have been together for about 3 months now. So far, it's been really good. When we first started talking, we were inseparable. Constantly texting, going out, staying in, playing video games together. It was awesome. Now that I moved an hour away, our talking has decreased tremendously. Which I feel should be the exact opposite now that we don't see each other constantly. See, he has this thing he does on Wednesday nights playing D&D with some of his friends. Well, he tends to get distracted to the point where he does not check his phone. Well, this Wednesday, I texted him goodnight and loved him, but got no reply back. I was a bit hurt and felt extremely ignored that he couldn't take a few seconds to just message me back. This doesn't just happen during his game. He often won't reply back for a duration of time. I'll wait up to 1 or 2 hours to get a small reply back. On top of which, the conversations always lead to a dead end so we struggle on finding things to discuss. Now, keep in mind, he does have a job, school, and things like that also. But I just hate feeling that by me asking him to try and make more time to communicate with me is a unreasonable and difficult request. I don't think it is asking too much to want to talk to someone I miss often and think about frequently. What do you guys think? Am I overreacting, am I being too needy or pushy about it? What kind of things can I do to solve this? How did things work out in the end? All advice is welcome.
In my own opionon communication is the most important part of a relationship. If he doesn't know that this is bothering you, I would tell him how much it is hurting you. I know that if my girlfriend was upset by something I would want her to tells even if it was my fault. Maybe you should set up times for phone calls together so that you always get the contact that you want. Or always be able to talk on the phone/skype/FaceTime before you guys go to sleep. It's just my own two cents, I would hate to see a relationship go down over communication ^^
i had the same problem Long-Distance relationship any way i dint talk to her in years i found her on face book any way she had a replacement auther guy and his kid they stayed together for a wile but ended anyway . we no longer together and truth be told hes probely replaced you and moved on by know i regeanmed you do the same it hurts i know but its for the best
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