Someone has a funny jokes to say?
redrhinestone @redrhinestone
Someone has a funny jokes to say?
redrhinestone @redrhinestone
What has been the funniest joke you ever said?
lonerabidwolf @lonerabidwolf
commented on
Someone has a funny jokes to say?
lonerabidwolf @lonerabidwolf
hmm well guess it depends on your sense of humor. Personally I'm a fan of "How do you make a cat go Woof? Pour a can of gasoline on it and strike a match. WooF!" course not to be mean to cats we'll go with the other side of that joke too. "How do you make a dog go Meow? Dip it liquid nitrogen then run it across a bandsaw. Meeoooowww."
Animekid @animekid
commented on
Someone has a funny jokes to say?
Animekid @animekid
There's also self deprecating humor.
Want to hear something funny?
I'm very attractive.
redrhinestone @redrhinestone
commented on
Someone has a funny jokes to say?
redrhinestone @redrhinestone
Oh I I have one: "My life"
* curls into a ball and cries*
徐々に @jojoni
commented on
Someone has a funny jokes to say?
徐々に @jojoni
North California favorite... What do you call a cheese that does not belong to you?
redrhinestone @redrhinestone
commented on
Someone has a funny jokes to say?
redrhinestone @redrhinestone
uh I don't know. What do you call it?
徐々に @jojoni
commented on
Someone has a funny jokes to say?
徐々に @jojoni
Nacho Cheese...
redrhinestone @redrhinestone
commented on
Someone has a funny jokes to say?
redrhinestone @redrhinestone
hurt hurr
Joyishi Kouhei @icelord24
commented on
Someone has a funny jokes to say?
Joyishi Kouhei @icelord24
Oh, I have this perfect knock knock joke! But you need to start it. :3
Animekid @animekid
commented on
Someone has a funny jokes to say?
Animekid @animekid
Knock Knock
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