Been getting into Fairy Tail

mr_ambig @mr_ambig
Been getting into Fairy Tail
mr_ambig @mr_ambig
Anyone else a fan of the show? I just purchased the first Blu-ray collection with episodes 1-24.

Amrod @amrodcalanor
commented on
Been getting into Fairy Tail
Amrod @amrodcalanor
I'm thinking of watching it, Im still on One Piece though :P

mr_ambig @mr_ambig
commented on
Been getting into Fairy Tail
mr_ambig @mr_ambig
I haven't seen one piece yet. I usually try and stick to one series until completion.

Ryvius @ryvius
commented on
Been getting into Fairy Tail
Ryvius @ryvius
FT is pretty awesome. It's nice to see a shounen that has a lot of good female characters, they practically run the show at this point.
You should check out Groove Adventure Rave, it was the first one from the same creator. Sadly the anime was cut really short though but it's still a good watch.

Redacted @kitsunekouta
commented on
Been getting into Fairy Tail
Redacted @kitsunekouta
It's definitely one of the better shounen action/adventure series I've seen. I'm on the new 2014 series of it now and it still hasn't got old. There's only been one arc that wasn't so great, but no big deal.
The good female characters are definitely a strong point. It's a nice change from the typical male hero roaming around saving things with groupies in tow and the mandatory romantic interest / damsel in distress. There's actually some dimension to most of the important characters.

IceCaptian10 @icecaptian10
commented on
Been getting into Fairy Tail
IceCaptian10 @icecaptian10
Yes , I'm currently on eps 185. It was the first Manga I started before it ever became anime and knew i was hooked. I am a fan of One piece as well as 6 others. Fairy Tail continues to be in my top 3 Anime/Manga.

tolliverasleon @tolliverasleon
commented on
Been getting into Fairy Tail
tolliverasleon @tolliverasleon
I freakin love Fairy Tail. It's definitely on my top favorite anime and manga!!

xl_kyler @xl_kyler
commented on
Been getting into Fairy Tail
xl_kyler @xl_kyler
He he he if its something about fairy tail talk to me

Ryvius @ryvius
commented on
Been getting into Fairy Tail
Ryvius @ryvius
Gajeel and Levy are the best. <3

mr_ambig @mr_ambig
commented on
Been getting into Fairy Tail
mr_ambig @mr_ambig
I just finished the first 24 episodes #_# Now I need to purchase the next collection AND the movie
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