greatest fear when having sex

imperialnutcase @imperialnutcase
greatest fear when having sex
imperialnutcase @imperialnutcase
what is your greatest fear when having sex? i know everyone has at least 1

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
greatest fear when having sex
yaasshat @yaasshat
For most here, it's not having sex.:P
I'd say, once ya know they're clean, unwanted pregnancy. Really though, if you aren't ready to raise a child, you shouldn't be having sex.

lucinda @lucinda
commented on
greatest fear when having sex
lucinda @lucinda
STD's, getting pregnant, getting secretly filmed and becoming an accidental porn star, that thing were people choke to death while their having sex, accidently having sex with a psycho who chokes you to death.. The list goes on..

imperialnutcase @imperialnutcase
commented on
greatest fear when having sex
imperialnutcase @imperialnutcase
lucinda... i take it your into the rough stuff =P

lucinda @lucinda
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greatest fear when having sex
lucinda @lucinda
No haha, Im just scared of it

lucinda @lucinda
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greatest fear when having sex
lucinda @lucinda
Like imagine doing S&M and the house catches on fire and you can't escape?

imperialnutcase @imperialnutcase
commented on
greatest fear when having sex
imperialnutcase @imperialnutcase
haha that would be messed up lol sir autopsy found he was gagged and hung in the bedroom before the fire... i think it was murder... but it could just be really kinky sex >.>

lucinda @lucinda
commented on
greatest fear when having sex
lucinda @lucinda
lol 0_o.. Have you ever seen the film TEETH? Men should probably worry about that too

Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
commented on
greatest fear when having sex
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
Sticking it in the wrong hole during doggy. I did that once cause she was really tall (6'3) and I been scared since. Never been slapped so hard. I will admit, although I've had plenty of sex, my sex lifes been kinda dull, so im not really experenced im a lot of positions :/
Also, when eating a girl out, that she doesnt reek of nastiness from not keeping clean. i swear, it was like a mix of rotting eggs, fish, with a hint of piss that was stuck to the pieces of toilet paper that got stuck.. That happened once, I almost threw up and just had to end the sex there. It was nasty, omfg. needless to say, the relationship ended within a week cause she was offended.. decently nice girl, but yeah...

imperialnutcase @imperialnutcase
commented on
greatest fear when having sex
imperialnutcase @imperialnutcase
lol i have seen many erotic fetishes in my lifetime -.- i can tell you ones you could think never existed and ones that are completely gross -.- sad day it is -.-
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