likes and dislikes in guys....

megalomania @megalomania
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likes and dislikes in guys....
megalomania @megalomania
Confidence does not mean arrogance.

xueli @xueli
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likes and dislikes in guys....
xueli @xueli
Definitely true about the confidence bit. Confidence is sexy, having to be right 100% of the time is insecurity. Which is the opposite of confidence soooo, not sexy hahaha

Nate @myrhev
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likes and dislikes in guys....
Nate @myrhev
But... but... what if I am always right xueli? Does that mean you don't think I'm sexy? :(

Nate @myrhev
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likes and dislikes in guys....
Nate @myrhev
While I agree that "Confidence does not mean arrogance." I find it ironic that it was said by a person named megalomania :)

megalomania @megalomania
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likes and dislikes in guys....
megalomania @megalomania
Ahahah, you caught me. I'm no megalomaniac, but I AM a writer, and I like to give my evil characters that characteristic. Plus, I just like the sound of the word. Hence the username. :B
...slightly more on topic, though, I wouldn't be able to tolerate an irl megalomaniac, let alone date them.

Yu @metaljester
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likes and dislikes in guys....
Yu @metaljester
You know there is some irony to the whole megalomaniac thing in regards to just anybody but I will let that stand for now....

chicgeek23 @chicgeek23
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likes and dislikes in guys....
chicgeek23 @chicgeek23
I would definitely say one major dislike in any gender would be over persistence, there are only so many times I can tell someone I'm not interested a number of times before I get annoyed. Needy/clingy is also something that I find unattractive in others. Umm, but things I like are chivalry. Sure it's old fashioned, but I'd rather be dating someone who is nice instead of a jerk. I also like it when someone takes the initiative. Just something about making the first move with anything I find adorable.

ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
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likes and dislikes in guys....
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
You like someone to take the initiative but you don't like (over) persistence? Sometimes that can be a fine line. Since girls will turn down guys much more often than guys turning down girls it just seems more efficient to wait for girls to make the first move than bother trying to make a move that will most likely get shot down anyway.

chicgeek23 @chicgeek23
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likes and dislikes in guys....
chicgeek23 @chicgeek23
Let me rephrase. Those whom I am interested in or have a crush on I like to take the initiative since I'm not bold enough to do spontaneous things and go for it, someone has to take the first step then I'll do the rest of the walking. But my opinion of someone can change though even if I like them if they displayed any of those traits. Over-persistence is a turn off when your uncomfortable and the guy is not letting no be an answer.

ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
commented on
likes and dislikes in guys....
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
Lol, I know...just teasing. I wish only the girls I liked hit on me too!
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