I can't sleep

Drelzar @zombiephoenix
I can't sleep
Drelzar @zombiephoenix
I wanna be the very best, Like no one ever was

Animekid @animekid
commented on
I can't sleep
Animekid @animekid
To catch them is my real test, to train them is my cause!

Drelzar @zombiephoenix
commented on
I can't sleep
Drelzar @zombiephoenix
I will travel acoss the land, searching far and wide

Animekid @animekid
commented on
I can't sleep
Animekid @animekid
Each pokemon to understand, the power that's inside.

Drelzar @zombiephoenix
commented on
I can't sleep
Drelzar @zombiephoenix
Pokemon! Gotta catch em aaaalll!!

chansuchance @chansuchance
commented on
I can't sleep
chansuchance @chansuchance
I always thought it was teach Pokemon to understand :o

Mister Sazerac @mistersazerac
commented on
I can't sleep
Mister Sazerac @mistersazerac
Sleep is overrated. lol

Drelzar @zombiephoenix
commented on
I can't sleep
Drelzar @zombiephoenix
Especially when One hour of sleep gets the happiness out

Animekid @animekid
commented on
I can't sleep
Animekid @animekid
Chansuchance- Apparently not, I checked the lyrics to make sure. Although what you thought makes sense too.

megotitties @megotron
commented on
I can't sleep
megotitties @megotron
Digimon digital monsters digimon are teh bezt
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