Anyone else who plays instruments?
brandojb @brandojb
Anyone else who plays instruments?
brandojb @brandojb
Looking to try and start a group of people who play instruments and are interested or have covered any foreign songs or even anime openings/endings. Doesn't matter if you've played for 3 days or 3 years, this group will be about having fun and helping others out or even collaborations!
twsilverstar @twsilverstar
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Anyone else who plays instruments?
twsilverstar @twsilverstar
I play the saxophone :3
brandojb @brandojb
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Anyone else who plays instruments?
brandojb @brandojb
Awesome! How long have you been playing?
徐々に @jojoni
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Anyone else who plays instruments?
徐々に @jojoni
I used to play guitar but since I got busy I mainly use a mic on Karaoke these days XD!
O|̿ ̶̿'╮|̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |͇̿ ͇̿ @oreo717
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Anyone else who plays instruments?
O|̿ ̶̿'╮|̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |͇̿ ͇̿ @oreo717
i play the triangle
brandojb @brandojb
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Anyone else who plays instruments?
brandojb @brandojb
Haha a singer nice, shame to hear you had to slow down with the guitar
Buji @buji
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Anyone else who plays instruments?
Buji @buji
I'm learning to play the piano but I'm nowhere near good enough to join a group lol
toe @toe
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Anyone else who plays instruments?
toe @toe
I play guitar, bass, some piano, trumpet, and drums as well.
Mainly have just been self taught except for the trumpet.
I'm also currently in the process of recording a lot of demos before recording an EP professionally.
brandojb @brandojb
commented on
Anyone else who plays instruments?
brandojb @brandojb
Hey like I said, it's not about how long it's just all having fun.
Sweet! That's a big list, and good luck with your recordings!
As for the group, what would be best for you guys? Just something like a facebook group or a skype group?
Mister Sazerac @mistersazerac
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Anyone else who plays instruments?
Mister Sazerac @mistersazerac
I've been practicing Cello over the past few weeks. lol I'm mainly a singer though.
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