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Man, sometimes you think you find someone special and it turns out to be a flop. (Was in a kinda of relationship but it just died from misunderstandings and just standstills). Anyone know a good way to recoop from such a weird situation o.o?
Lamby @momoichi commented on Lonesome
May 22, 14 at 3:53pm
maybe starting over, clean slate and just promise each other to try more?
Buji @buji commented on Lonesome
May 22, 14 at 4:03pm
Anime, go to the gym and punch a bag or something? As to what Lambey said, I think that's a bit harder than just recooping. Maybe take up learning and instrument?
May 22, 14 at 4:11pm
Okay I wasn't going to say it before because I wasn't sure how well it would be taken but...I also say anime. *not discounting anything else that has been said*
Haha @lambey: I honestly don't there's a chance starting over is an option or I would have taken it. @Buji: Eh..not really one for the gym but I could train outside, and as far as instruments go I could reteach myself drums/guitar/keyboard...but that takes concentration which I don't have right now x>X... @halfmanhalfbeard(animekid): I suppose, but I mean I'll leave that for tonight before sleeping.
Yu @metaljester commented on Lonesome
May 22, 14 at 6:38pm
Well here I go. Hmm the thing about relationships is that if you have friends to fall back on then it will not be as painful. Or better yet be able to keep looking for others out there. Do hobbies that take your mind off things or watch a anime that will keep you addicted for a long time as said above by other users. Be social stimulating that emptiness will be the biggest remedie so being social with others and getting active to talk to others will help. I hope that helps just a vague answer on my part but I dont know much on what happened so that is all I will give for now.
I personally have a lot of experience with painful relationships. My first serious relationship was when I was 20 going on 21 and a female friend introduced me to a friend of hers who was 16 (16 is the age of consent in my home state and her mom approved). I was a virgin till then (she wasn't). We dated for about 6 months and she actually moved in with me for 3 months. About halfway through our relationship several of us were hanging out at my apartment when two female friends took me for a ride to tell me something. They told me that my gf had cheated on me with a mutual male friend (my gf and mutual male friend were part of the group hanging out at my apartment.) I was so hurt a furious I couldn't think straight. I had to call my apartment and tell everyone to get out because I would have assaulted the male friend. I couldn't even talk or face my gf for a week because I was so upset. Finally some friends forced us to sit together at the local pizza place and after several tense moments we ended up hugging and crying and I forgave her and we were back together. But not long after a riff seemed to develope between us and she seemed more and more distant. She finally broke up with me for the guy she cheated on me with although he ended up turning her down. Not long after she disappeared one night and her mom showed up at my place looking for her. She finally showed up at my place with a young homeless guy she had spent the night with at an abandoned building. I contacted her mom to pick her up and while waiting she fucked him in my bathroom. She dated him for a couple weeks, then some other guy for a couple weeks. I saw her off and on. Then one day she showed up at my place with a runaway 17yr old she met a few hours earlier. They ended up fucking on the floor next to my bed and I got into an argument with her after I told her I still loved her. They left early that morning. I tried to get some sleep but couldn't. So a few hours later I called her mom to see if she had gotten home. She hadn't and I was worried so I went looking for her all over town. I looked for awhile but I couldn't find her so I called her mom again. Her mom had just talked to the ambulance driver. My ex was being taken to the hospital. I ran two miles to the hospital and saw my ex in the emergency room, barely conscience and covered in vomit. She had been taking speed and drinking and the guy she was with had left her when she had passed out. She kept asking for him, who she called "God of Fuck" on account of his Marilyn Manson shirt he was wearing. I stayed till her mom showed up because I couldn't take it anymore. I left so I could bawl my eyes out. I cried myself to sleep for around 5 months after.
And that is just one relationship story, I have others. Although that one was the worst.
@vampire: Dude it seems like you could do so much better than following someone around that seems to just use you. (been in a relationship for 7 years and before I was gonna marry the chick she cheated on me). I've been dating for quite some time but I would never have a girl walk over me like you seemed to have been tied to her like glue even though she showed no interest. I mean if you're happy like that, I support you. But that's a pretty bad life to live. I'm just a little distraught by the whole thing, with me and the person I'm interested in. But if that ever happened I would have just cut her off at the stem before any of that happened. @Yu: The whole thing is really on the side-burner. I'm really just working a lot and doing things prepping to go to colossalcon. It really hasn't been inserted to my mind completely that we split. But yeah that is good advice which I will be putting into play when I have nothing else to do and it sets in. Right now, I'm in a pre-con prep stage.
All of that happened like 16yrs ago. And she was the one that kept coming back to my apartment after we broke up, but Yes I did let her use me for awhile but I don't deal with girls like that anymore. It was just an example.
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