what should I do with my hair?

ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
what should I do with my hair?
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
I won't cut my hair very short, I like medium to longish styles. But I'm bored with my hair right now, also can't do anything crazy because I work front desk at a hotel. I usually just slick it back for work. I kind of want to dye it black again. Not sure how I want to cut it though, any suggestions?

ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
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what should I do with my hair?
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
I wish I could do like an emo/scene style, I don't know.

Lamby @momoichi
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what should I do with my hair?
Lamby @momoichi
maybe cute it shodler length and then slick it back? that stuff always looks awesome
professional but kool

Lamby @momoichi
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what should I do with my hair?
Lamby @momoichi
<img Src="http://propeciareview.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/zac-efron-slicked-back-hair-02-674x1024.jpg"></img>
looks bad ass in black

Karasu @kain_karasu
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what should I do with my hair?
Karasu @kain_karasu
<a href="http://tinypic.com?ref=348j1at" target="_blank"><img src="http://i60.tinypic.com/348j1at.jpg" border="0" alt=""></a>
Pull a Space Dandy and become a slave to the booty!

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
what should I do with my hair?
Lamby @momoichi
Or a pompadour. Bitchs love pompadours
<img Src="http://stwww.geekexchange.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/space-dandy-opener-2-482x276.jpg"></img>

ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
commented on
what should I do with my hair?
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
I kind of already do that:
<img src="https://scontent-a-sjc.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/t1.0-9/1911895_10201774710745840_764983893_n.jpg"></img>

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
what should I do with my hair?
Lamby @momoichi
see? looks good :P
what did you have in mind for a hair style?

Karasu @kain_karasu
commented on
what should I do with my hair?
Karasu @kain_karasu
Yeah you need to rock the pompadour man, 2 against 1 here >.> the council has spoken.

ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
commented on
what should I do with my hair?
ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
I don't know, I wear my hair just hanging down when I'm not at work. So I don't know, I usually end up cutting it about chin length or just over with an angled cut a bit longer in front then back. I'm going to cut my hair in the next few days, I don't like it long on my neck.
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