String Theory
Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
String Theory
Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
The pupils of the eyes get large<br>
It dangles and it curls in air<br>
He must prove that he’s in charge<br>
He must meet the mocking dare<br>
He attacks with all his might<br>
His flight and paws must bring it down<br>
A multicolored frenzied sight<br>
Accompanied by little sound<br>
Now he prances off with it<br>
Its capture is his species’ thing<br>
Then he turns and contently sits<br>
Only cats understand the true nature string<br>
Kai_Katsuragi @kai_katsuragi
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String Theory
Kai_Katsuragi @kai_katsuragi
I stumbled in here expecting a lecture on theoretical physics, and instead I'm greeted by poetry. I see that the post date was quite a while ago, but I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed this. ^-^
click_here_for_candy @click_here_for_candy
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String Theory
click_here_for_candy @click_here_for_candy
^seconded. But on the other hand, kitties are way cooler than subatomic particles.
Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
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String Theory
Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
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