Would you date an android
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
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Would you date an android
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
Mine was still the most clever!
Buji @buji
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Would you date an android
Buji @buji
Aren't some people already dating Siri?
Hade's Lady @darkmageo66
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Would you date an android
Hade's Lady @darkmageo66
Are you serious?I didnt know that was a thing.
Yu @metaljester
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Would you date an android
Yu @metaljester
Well lets think about it for a moment dating machines so to speak would not necessarily be a bad thing. As long as we were able to not isolate our own species for a android. Unless these androids have reproductive organs that is then nevermind that. I think for a good healthy relationship between a human and machine to develop we need to get them close to as humanly as possible. Not just that but they should be able to think freely as I stated otherwise you are setting up humanity possbily to become lazy about pursuing partners and such which could have negative effects. Another thing on the matter is that I dont think we should be allowed to make our own partner it should instead be allowed to configure itself to its view on what it wants to be to you.
This way the relationship will feel more natural and not controlled by you which if it is could lead to boredom in the relationship and you possibly leaving it.
Arc @arc
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Would you date an android
Arc @arc
I'm not sure I would "date" an android unless it reaches a true level of emotion. Otherwise nothing would feel genuine.
Don't get me wrong, I'd shag a well-made android girl any day, but it would take a lot more to develop an emotional relationship with one.
Karasu @kain_karasu
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Would you date an android
Karasu @kain_karasu
Idk man...some people can develop an emotional relationship with a rock >.>
Arc @arc
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Would you date an android
Arc @arc
I saw a show once about a dude who fell in love with his er...pleasure dolls. It's possible for somebody to develop a relationship with an inanimate object, but said person usually has a few screws loose.
Karasu @kain_karasu
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Would you date an android
Karasu @kain_karasu
Hey nobody said the rock lovers were perfect <.<
exploudersuplex @exploudersuplex
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Would you date an android
exploudersuplex @exploudersuplex
Hey it worked for Krillin so why the hell not? :D
徐々に @jojoni
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Would you date an android
徐々に @jojoni
I'm living with one! *kisses Note 3 phablet XD
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