Hello people~

Yuu @aokikuri
Hello people~
Yuu @aokikuri
I'm Kikuri, an otaku and cosplayer from Indonesia.
I am new here and I just hope to meet some new people, so lets talk about anything cool~
I can talk about anything really so yeah..
Okay actually I have no friggin idea what I am doing here, just joined this website like seconds ago or sumthing n not really getting it www
Let's be kawaii as fuck together ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Amrod @amrodcalanor
commented on
Hello people~
Amrod @amrodcalanor
LOL welcome to the site, I'm already Kawaii as fck.
Its a dating website for anime peeps to meet each other or a site to make friends that like anime. So whichever side you land on thats what you mainly have coming.
So yeah welcome and good luck ;D

Yuu @aokikuri
commented on
Hello people~
Yuu @aokikuri
gud then, everyone shud b ww
Ah that's kind of cool. I don't really know that many people who are into anime so hope this is an opportunity for me then ;//v//;
Thnkies! Nice meeting you

Amrod @amrodcalanor
commented on
Hello people~
Amrod @amrodcalanor
Yup just go around and post on whatever you see that catches your attention. You'll meet a few people that way, we've got some interesting members lol real unique

O|̿ ̶̿'╮|̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |͇̿ ͇̿ @oreo717
commented on
Hello people~
O|̿ ̶̿'╮|̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |͇̿ ͇̿ @oreo717

Yuu @aokikuri
commented on
Hello people~
Yuu @aokikuri
Jean - www waiting to meet those unique members x'D
K - tnx gooby

akiba_kei @akiba_kei
commented on
Hello people~
akiba_kei @akiba_kei
Youkoso, Kikuri-san. ^_^ Hope you'll have a good time.

jinkusu @yanderelolita
commented on
Hello people~
jinkusu @yanderelolita
Hello and welcome to the site. :)

kidakiba @kidakiba
commented on
Hello people~
kidakiba @kidakiba
I'm kidakiba, i'm kinda new to anime kida a chav turn anime freak if you will. nice to meet you

J.A.M. @joseph87mar
commented on
Hello people~
J.A.M. @joseph87mar
Hey welcome to the weird site. Yea, can get weird here. Anyway, enjoy it here and again welcome to MaiOtaku.
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