Anyone in Texas wanna start a cosplay/con group?

Frankie @frankie
Anyone in Texas wanna start a cosplay/con group?
Frankie @frankie
Anyone interested?????????????

Bridget @st_brigit
commented on
Anyone in Texas wanna start a cosplay/con group?
Bridget @st_brigit
Hey I live in the Dallas area, that sounds pretty much. have a series in mind?

Bridget @st_brigit
commented on
Anyone in Texas wanna start a cosplay/con group?
Bridget @st_brigit
fun* xD

arduousRenegade @arduousrenegade
commented on
Anyone in Texas wanna start a cosplay/con group?
arduousRenegade @arduousrenegade
Hmm....maybe. I'm in the Austin Area, so I don't know how well it'd work out :/

Frankie @frankie
commented on
Anyone in Texas wanna start a cosplay/con group?
Frankie @frankie
It would be mostly the san antonio area but we could meet up out of town for cons and stuff.

ForeverPurity @foreverpurity
commented on
Anyone in Texas wanna start a cosplay/con group?
ForeverPurity @foreverpurity
I have excatly what you're looking for!
Join the San Antonio Otaku: :3
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