Calling all Otakus in The Lone Star State (Texas)

merodii850 @merodii850
Calling all Otakus in The Lone Star State (Texas)
merodii850 @merodii850
Looking for more friends in Texas, and if you live in Houston, even better. :D

Yu @metaljester
commented on
Calling all Otakus in The Lone Star State (Texas)
Yu @metaljester
I live in austin but still in texas though. Good to meet you

merodii850 @merodii850
commented on
Calling all Otakus in The Lone Star State (Texas)
merodii850 @merodii850
It's great to meet you! What are you interested in?

Yu @metaljester
commented on
Calling all Otakus in The Lone Star State (Texas)
Yu @metaljester
Well I will name a few rather then my entire list. ^^
Anime, gaming, tech, moreover robotics, science in general, syfy series, horror movies, manga to name a few.

merodii850 @merodii850
commented on
Calling all Otakus in The Lone Star State (Texas)
merodii850 @merodii850
That is just a few? You must be a very interesting person, to be interested in so many things. In comparison, I'm very simple. haha.

Yu @metaljester
commented on
Calling all Otakus in The Lone Star State (Texas)
Yu @metaljester
Oh thanks ^^ I try to expand my interest I used to be rather narrow with them until I got into anime gaming though has always been something. Being simple is good though at times it lets us focus on the areas we love the most more thus increasing our knowledge and experience with them. When did you start getting into anime I started when I was pretty young myself.

merodii850 @merodii850
commented on
Calling all Otakus in The Lone Star State (Texas)
merodii850 @merodii850
I'm still pretty new when it comes to anime. I've only been watching it for a few years. But since graduating high school, I've gotten into it more and more.

Yu @metaljester
commented on
Calling all Otakus in The Lone Star State (Texas)
Yu @metaljester
Oh what are some of your favorite ones that you watched?

merodii850 @merodii850
commented on
Calling all Otakus in The Lone Star State (Texas)
merodii850 @merodii850
Shingeki no Kyojin, Hyouka, Durarara...those are what pop into my head first.

Yu @metaljester
commented on
Calling all Otakus in The Lone Star State (Texas)
Yu @metaljester
Hyouka is cool, Attack on Titan is always good still staying up to date with the manga hoping they release a season 2 for the anime.
As for my favorites it would be pretty hard to name any particular one but the ones I do think about are code geass, sword art online , along with full metal alchemist and attack on titan after rethinking it over.
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