Ello everyone!

brandilynn @brandilynn
Ello everyone!
brandilynn @brandilynn
Hi everyone. So I have no idea how to make a proper introduction but..
Hi, I'm brandy. I'm 18. I LOVE anime/manga/cosplay. My life revolves around it.. Does that sound weird? It makes me happy and I hoping to meet people that share the same passions. See ya around. ^.^

. @saita
commented on
Ello everyone!
. @saita
Hello and welcome to MaiOtaku. ^_^

Yu @metaljester
commented on
Ello everyone!
Yu @metaljester
Hello hope you enjoy the site ^

brandilynn @brandilynn
commented on
Ello everyone!
brandilynn @brandilynn
Hello and thank you both for your warm welcomes.

jealoussonic @jealoussonic
commented on
Ello everyone!
jealoussonic @jealoussonic
Hi Welcome to the site its nice to meet you =D
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