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For the love of alk that is sane.

Apr 24, 14 at 6:28pm
Why do you always ignore my statements? You called me mean, didn't explain why. I offered to get you your account back, you didn't respond to that either. And frankly, you've been ignoring me for over a month now, unless it's regarding Shin x Jiko pairings. -_-
Wow I was at work and this much happened...
Apr 24, 14 at 6:30pm
All of you have been saying things I both agree AND disgaree with. But frankly, as of right now. I think you're ALL being idiots. I'm sick and tired of this, frankly, I feel like I need to cease my daily sarcastic posting, and take over as a responsible member, because you're all useless.
Apr 24, 14 at 6:31pm
Oh, hey metaljester. Leave the thread while you can, you'll catch the idiot disease.
This account has been suspended.
But it's anime Jikokun.. Anime = Cartoons in some people's eyes.. And Cartoons = KIDS TEENS..LOL. If this was not an ANIME Dating site would of been different.. I guess. Also..For the teens or kids that do lie about there age -Like I did when I was little- It's hard to know or not know if they are that age or not. Unless they post pics. Then it's simpler to know or spot out ' Oh yeah right your not 18! ' But if they don't post pics.. It's hard to know. Even in the way they type, You'd be surpised there are kids or teens there that can type like there 18. Easily can make someone believe they are, Not to mention the catfish method of posting pictures of someone who your really not. This is popular method with teens and kids, Mostly because they do want to date and have a relationship mostly online though not in real life. Just for the ' Experience. ' I honestly don't think there is much we can do to stop or prevent it, Sure we can keep this thread running and hopefully Mai Otaku Mods that banned me will notice..And hear our voices..But they may not listen and what will happen then? I guess we'll just keeping trying..We'll you guys. That is.. I'm kind of okay with kids or teens being around here.. I'm putting my faith in them that they are aware of what they are doing.. Cause I know I was when I was young, This is why I'm seeing it this way. But you guys keep trying, Good luck! I'd be surprised if this site turned +18. Funny because I'm not so sure after seeing they have an option to hide your age. LOOOOL. I honestly don't think they care so much about age if they have an option to hide it.
Heres the thing I may not have read everything on the thread but it appears of instead of having a proper debate of this topic it is turning into moreover a barrage of opposing emotional discharge being directed at any person who dares to think differently against the other sides point.
Oh sorry Shin..I was typing..And I'm just a little upset with you about the comment you left me. And you also misunderstood me about the black kettle joke..And repeated it kind of probably bringing it to the mod's notice more. LOL. And so I couldn't even correct myself because you had repeated it..so the bann was not stoppable because of that. But..It's fine..I don't think I'd be able to get it back anyway.. Mod's aren't very generous. Even if it was witty joke and being misunderstood bann.
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