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For the love of alk that is sane.

Anime doesn't = kids. Thats like saying my little pony = girls, heavy metal = scary guys in makeup, emo = kids who cut themself. or whatever fucking comparisons you a want to make. Anybody can like anime, but a DATING SITE Is a dating g site, regardless of the genre the site caters to
damn this thread is still going on. I thought it be dead already...
I'm sorry but My Little Pony.. = Girls... IT DOES. IT REALLY DOES. It was made especially for girls, It just happens IT JUST Happens that older men liked it. And your right you just said it yourself, Anybody can like anime. So I guess if its an Anime Dating Site. Means Anyone can like anime, So It's a dating site for anybody! LOL. The Anime and the Dating site both contradict themselves. That is why this place ended up being for everybody and not +18. Because if you weight the evens with the odds, The fact anime is for everybody out weights that dating sites are for +18 because of the fact there are dating sites that don't follow that rule more then there are rules that ANIME is only for kids.
Also the definition of dating is to to date, and to date doesn't mean you have to be 18+. I know there are things that should be, But that doesn't mean they have to be. I guess this dating site is an example of that.
I think we brought "LAST ONE TO POST HERE WINS" to this thread.
Anybody can like anime. A dating site requires you to be 18+. Therefore an anime otaku dating site must be.... ???
Apr 24, 14 at 7:05pm
Take your arguments elsewhere people, this chaos has gone on long enough.
And anybody can like my little pony. Are you saying you agree with the 11 year old, Michael, who was bullied fail for Liking mlp? Hes not an old man who likes mlp... hes a kid. You know michael attempted to hang himself because of the torment? He now lives, thankfully, but with severe brain damage. Stella, you are a smart girl, but youre saying with the words you used, that you support this? Off topic, but that comment really got my attention there, and honestly with I. Thos thread shown me more about many people that makes me wonder about some, and thankful of others.
Shin, I love ya bro, but you know unless the thread gets locked or deleted, there is no stopping this train wreck. :/
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