Videogame Storyboard
haikaikan @haikaikan
Videogame Storyboard
haikaikan @haikaikan
I'm planning on making a video game, it will be either fighting or rpg I'm not sure which though, I need some feedback, should it be fighting, rpg, or should I make two seperate games and make both?
toe @toe
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Videogame Storyboard
toe @toe
Go with a fighting game, we have too many rpgs.
haikaikan @haikaikan
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Videogame Storyboard
haikaikan @haikaikan
Yea that is true >.>
. @saita
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Videogame Storyboard
. @saita
While i'm more of an RPG person, i'm going to have to agree with toe.
yudodat @yudodat
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Videogame Storyboard
yudodat @yudodat
This account has been suspended.
Yu @metaljester
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Videogame Storyboard
Yu @metaljester
How bout a rpg that focuses more on the adventure like for instance a world where there is a ocean and many islands in which you can explore. Each island can be connected or may be completely unimportant to the other. Now there would be enemys but they would be far in between except for certain areas. The main problem you would have is keeping track of your own health as in I believe there should be some survival elements. Although this would be alot to implement for one person.
haikaikan @haikaikan
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Videogame Storyboard
haikaikan @haikaikan
I like the rpg fighting idea. And metaljesterththat idea is full circle (awesome)
M u g i ❤ @stellalina
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Videogame Storyboard
M u g i ❤ @stellalina
I Love Doujin fighting games but it probably is hard to make the pixel characters an then all the moves you have to animate them. Yeah that is hard work because its pixel.
haikaikan @haikaikan
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Videogame Storyboard
haikaikan @haikaikan
It's going to be hard either way XD
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