Unexplainable things..

. @saita
commented on
Unexplainable things..
. @saita
I only use usernames in the forums.
For 1. So people don't get confused.
And 2. I don't go around posting things about other people without permission.

ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
commented on
Unexplainable things..
ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
Lol into THAT name! Now it's not funny cause you didn't get it.

. @saita
commented on
Unexplainable things..
. @saita
I woke up less than an hour ago don't judge me!
(Although the reason why I considered you instead of Jikokun is because of last night's conversation Lol.)

sevengreen7 @sevengreen7
commented on
Unexplainable things..
sevengreen7 @sevengreen7
That reminds me of a music video... I forgot what it was called but dang that dream was terrifying to just read XD

ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
commented on
Unexplainable things..
ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
Lmao Shin cause that's my real name! You're so forgetful when you're sleepy. We discussed this last night!
Anyway, seriously. I'd like to think it was just a tiny aftershock from the earthquake that occurred recently, Stella. This is a good thing because that means that you won't have another huge quake for a while. It also means you don't have a demon lurking in your room. I also would like to think your dream was just too much hentai. Why does hentai have to be so horrifying?! Lol
However, I do believe in paranormal as well. I'm a bit of a superstitious type.

M u g i ❤ @stellalina
commented on
Unexplainable things..
M u g i ❤ @stellalina
I Most likely got some type of incubus on me or something cause whenever I get into my bed and lay down to sleep.. I Get these half awake half asleep moments where something seems to be aheming me. LMFAO. AND I'M LIKE OKAY. I don't know but I think it could be I'm asleep and dreaming but this is getting out of hand it happens to often..I'm 100% sure it isn't actually happening in reality but in my dream world or something.. This is happening just recently too. Kind of weird.. I blame the weird hentai I got off too that had demons in it. LMFAO. THEY WERE THE HOT TYPES THOUGH. Ah Anime.. WRY. YOU MAKE ME SO KINKY.
I wonder if this is just a phase and it'll go away eventually.. -Not like I care I'm a horny beast anyway but sometimes I feel I'm sinning or something.. LMFAO. Not to mention what ever is probably trying to raep me I can't see or anything so who knows what the hell it looks like...Pleasure feels nice tho..but it still is wrong..I guess..I don't know. :I Like I said it only happens in dreaming.

. @saita
commented on
Unexplainable things..
. @saita
Bitch you scare me sometimes.

O|̿ ̶̿'╮|̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |͇̿ ͇̿ @oreo717
commented on
Unexplainable things..
O|̿ ̶̿'╮|̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |͇̿ ͇̿ @oreo717
lol i knew it, IT WAS THE HENTAI!!

M u g i ❤ @stellalina
commented on
Unexplainable things..
M u g i ❤ @stellalina
LMFAO. EVERYONE HAS SECRETE KINKS. OK? MINE AREN'T THAT BAD. But I dream very often and remember my dreams usual dreams never make sense and are not sexual and I don't feel anything either it's more like watching a movie or something I do get emotional feelings but never physical feelings. So If I get stabbed in my dream I don't feel it I just feel more like the emotional pain of being stabbed. And also my rem dreams I can control them so if something happens that I don't like I can change it. These ' dreams ' I'm getting now are very different because firstly they take place in my room and secondly I can feel physically which is already darn weird and third I can't see around my room like I can in my dreams I am kind of stuck in the 1st person so I can only see what my eyes allow me too or what I'm use to my eyes allowing me too lmao. And I can't control anything so if I want to move I can't so I'm kind of paralyzed on my bed in these dreams where I can feel physically and I sleep on my belly often so I can't see what is BEHIND ME. So then whatever is behind me is like pinning me and having it's waay with me..and Idk wtf to do but being able to feel physically in these dreams you can imagine its quite pleasurable but.. after it happens it's like a roller coaster your kind of left with these lingering feelings of is this right? O-o; Considering how I'm catholic and stuff shouldn't I be more terrified.. I MEAN I'M PROBABLY SINNING AS HELL RIGHT NOW. And yeah, I enjoy it but it's happening too often now and now I'm kind of not okay with it. lmao. Pleasure is nice but, god damn I don't even know what the hell is doing this in my dreams so.. PROBABLY NOT A HOT BISHONEN GUY THOUGH OBVIOUSLY NOT. I Doubt its my own imagination because I have control over what's mine and this I never have control over. So.. What to do? LMAO. A part of me seems to be okay with it another part of me is not. The kinky hentai cat is like ' OH YES THIS FEELS GREAT ' But the other religious pure cat is like ' NO THIS IS WRONG!!!' So I'm kind of torn here..I MEAN THERE ONLY DREAMS RIGHT? But even so.. I don't think I want this to go on anymore I mean.. But..It's only in dream world and it's only energy or spirit energy..It's not like it actually has a penis..LMFAO..Dream sex is different then real sex, iT'S LIKE Energy kind of becoming one but I don't think I want this energy to become one with me when I don't even know what the hell it is or who it belongs to.. I wish I had control over these things..I don't know how to get rid of it. Or be like ' I'll call you when I'm horny okay? Kthnx ' LMFAO.

. @saita
commented on
Unexplainable things..
. @saita
Stop watching hentai and being so obsessed with masturbation and stuff.
Find healthier hobbies for your mind and soul.
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