Unexplainable things..

M u g i ❤ @stellalina
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Unexplainable things..
M u g i ❤ @stellalina
I just had a weird nightmare of black shadow hands coming out form under my bed and chasing me and then going into my vagina by force and I didn't like that at all I WAS SO SCARED. Then I had to go to the bathroom and a bunch of the black hands came out from my vagina and into the toliet bowl and until the toliet water became black and then a face appeared in it like a white mask face with black hollow eyes and I screamed and shit..OMG IT WAS SO SCARY THEN I RAN AWAY FROM THE BATHROOM AND IT CAME OUT OF THE TOLIET AND STARTED TO CHASE ME THIS WHITE SCARY MASK. I swear that was a scary dream.. -CRY- But later in my angel orginal character of mine I created came to save me from scary dream and then the rest of my dream was more pleasant..

. @saita
commented on
Unexplainable things..
. @saita
What universe am I living in, where people have dreams such as this?

O|̿ ̶̿'╮|̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |͇̿ ͇̿ @oreo717
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Unexplainable things..
O|̿ ̶̿'╮|̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |͇̿ ͇̿ @oreo717
lol stellalina been watching too much hentai or wut? lol jk ily

naskyholygoddess @naskyholygoddess
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Unexplainable things..
naskyholygoddess @naskyholygoddess
Mind pollution for the dreams, as for the weird stuff if its some "hunting" or something get a night light... XD also helps if your crazy and scare off the spooky stuff hehehe

M u g i ❤ @stellalina
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Unexplainable things..
M u g i ❤ @stellalina
Could maybe been the hentai.. LOLOL.

Yu @metaljester
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Unexplainable things..
Yu @metaljester
So far there has been no definitive proof that demons exist and science has made counter theories for almost every single instance of this situation. I will say one, ever felt like somebody was pressing on your chest or you felt unable to move then you saw this ghostly image staring at you, that is all a sign of sleep paralysis although there are exceptions majority of the time it is. I am not completely denying that there are no such things as demons but I am also not agreeing that there are until I see proof enough to do so.

. @saita
commented on
Unexplainable things..
. @saita
I found proof of demons for you.
I mean, just look at Jikokun! LOL.

ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
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Unexplainable things..
ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
Oh Jikokun is a pussy cat. Lol

. @saita
commented on
Unexplainable things..
. @saita
Oh, hey, I originally wanted to put your name in place of his.
But thought it would be more comedic to throw his in there.

ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
commented on
Unexplainable things..
ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
You mean my REAL name, right? :P
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