help with making a yandere story?

The Otaku Dude @jadenday
help with making a yandere story?
The Otaku Dude @jadenday
so im currently in the plans on making a yandere visual novel and i have not been able to come up with good story plot key points and such. it would mean a lot if someone could give me ideas.

Yu @metaljester
commented on
help with making a yandere story?
Yu @metaljester
Well im bored so I will give it a shot. Any ideas on what you are looking for in the yandere story so im not taking a wild guess.

. @saita
commented on
help with making a yandere story?
. @saita
You should make Yuno Gasai one of the characters.
Change her name to Yuna though, and give her blue hair or something.
So you don't get sued for copyright infringement.
Every yandere VN needs a Yuno Gasai. 8D

Yu @metaljester
commented on
help with making a yandere story?
Yu @metaljester
Lol I would have to agree sir.

M u g i ❤ @stellalina
commented on
help with making a yandere story?
M u g i ❤ @stellalina
You can make the yandere story about a cute wifey type of girl who likes her senpai alot and loves to cook and bake for him and always brings him his lunch at school and treats and he likes to eat her cooking and stuff. He has a very bad reputation ever since he was a little that most of the girls that get next to him end up becoming missing people except for his childhood friend who likes to cook alot. So he is very close to her but doesn't really look at her like a girlfriend more like a sister. And he starts to wonder why most girls that have confessed to him in the past or get close to him end up becoming missing people. So with the help of the second and third main female characters, One who aspires to be a detective and the other who is the daughter of a police sheriff and is a police officer ( She and the detective girl like to argue or don't get along and get possessive over the main guy ) the three of them set out to try to solve the cases of the past girls in his life that have loved him and suddenly became missing people. But someone dressed in a pink bunny suit with a white apron and chef hat with a huge bloody machete always ends up foiling there plans and trying to kill them! Also ends up burning and getting rid of any evidences they come up with and they try to capture this person but always fail. Then turns out the bunny person is responsbile for killing the other girls in the past and now it's after the main character girl! ( Who is secretly yandere ) So main character guy, detective girl and police girl have to try to stop crazy bunny person from killing sweet baker chan girl. And she gets perhaps assaulted a couple of times ( but no one ever sees the bunny assault her, she just ends hurt or bleeding some how ) and she does this to draw the two girls and the main character closer to her and to get them alone ( always making sure that the main character guy is not around ) so that she can get rid of the two girls because SHE IS SCRETELY THE BLOODY BUNNY CHEF. And she's the one responsible for the disappearances of the other girls in the past and the reason why no one finds the bodies is because she drags them into where her father works where they kill pigs and cows and MAKES THEM INTO YUMMY MEAT. And then she cooks her delicious meat pies for SENPAI that the main character loves to eat ( His favorite food! And threw out the story hes always ' tummy rummbles' Wish I had one of my best friend's meat pies right now.. ;.; ' LMAO ) AAAHAHAHA AND Of course there has to be different routes for the game. Could be Good ending abd Bad ending for each character. I guess good ending for detective girl is that somehow you stop your best friend yandere crazy girl from murdering the detective girl but the police girl already gets murdered. LOL And good ending for police girl is same just the detective girl is the one that gets murdered. Bad endings for them is that you fail to stop your yandere wifeyfriend and the person you have love interest ends up getting murdered in front of you and then you end up with the creepy yandere ' Wifey Husbando end ' Because the yandere girl will never murder the main guy she loves him! She jsut wants to be a good wifey and cook him all the delicious food and meat pies he likes! Oh and make sure he's only hers and never no one elses.. LOLOL. Then I guess bad end for Yandere wifey is that you manage to save your two friends but at the expense of killing your wifey friend after she ends up confessing her love for you and the fact she's done ' Bad things ' in the past but it was because she loved you and likes making you food and it all started with your other best friend ( Cause in the main character's childhood it was him, Yandere girl and another girl who were all best friends.. )..LMAO. She killed her by accident while playing in her daddy's work place and the little girl fell into a meat grinder and yeah it happened not really yandere girl's fault as she stepped back in fear and hit the on button by mistake and yeah... LOL She lvoed her friend so much that instead of leaving her minced pieces she made her into a big giant pie for thanksgiving (happened near that day) and they shared it between the 2 family's the third family that belonged to the girl that died were looking for the girl lol. And after the main character said that yandere girl's pie was the best he ever had!!! And it made him really happy he also said that You'd make a great wife! If you still make pie like this when your older I'll marry you anyway! AAAAHAHAHA YANDERE GIRL 'DESU BLUSHING' I'll become your waifu...??? <333 But after finding this all out threw her confessions she tells you that she can't stop and you either kill her and save your 2 friends or accept her and marry her and she promises she won't kill your two friends as long as they STAY AWAY FOREVER. Bad ending would be you kill yandere friend in order to save your two friends. Good ending you say yes and marry her and move to another country and at your wedding your two friends aren't invited because they have to stay far away of course! But your waifu made two wonderful meat pies that everyone is enjoying and ate them so fast before you even noticed they were there! So you go spend the after wedding with waifu in her room, she's naked and ready for make labulabu..and your like well fuck it, LETS MAKE LOVE BBY. LOLOL. And you live happily with her never talking to those two girls without ever knowing about those two meat pies she made at the wedding. HEHEEHHEHEHEHEHEHE.
Also there is happy ending where all 3 girl's live. But you have to kill yourself. 8D LMFAO.
Main character guy - Personality can be whatever you want he does have to be somewhat naive, loves food and good stuff also curious.
Yandere Waifu girl- Very shy and cute, Lovingly like a wife and likes to take care of you and make you happy. She's very ' Pretend naive ' also she has a very possessive side of her that comes out as clingy, and shes is very obsessed with main character and ready to satisfy him in anyway. Even if it means perverted..She just loves him so much. SO MUCH. <3 She likes to cook!
Detective girl - Can be funny, genki and very lively. Annoying but has serious side very curious too and likes to get to the bottom of things. Adventurous! Silly and playful, childish.
Police Girl - Tsundere~ She is very bossy and very proud of herself and her family's name. Selfish but very adorable when she is dere dere and then tsun tsun, But can be sometimes a bitch and wants the main character or everyone else to do what she says or do stuff for her. She is secretly very girly but acts tomboyish.
Dead best friend - IDK LOL
What do you think? LMFAO THIS IS TOO MUCH I KNOW BUT LMAO I thought it up. YANDEREEEEEE You can claim the story yours, I don't care I'M NEVER Going to make a yandere game or anything. LOL

The Otaku Dude @jadenday
commented on
help with making a yandere story?
The Otaku Dude @jadenday
thanks lol

M u g i ❤ @stellalina
commented on
help with making a yandere story?
M u g i ❤ @stellalina

The Otaku Dude @jadenday
commented on
help with making a yandere story?
The Otaku Dude @jadenday
i skimmed it lol

M u g i ❤ @stellalina
commented on
help with making a yandere story?
M u g i ❤ @stellalina
LOL Oh okay hahaha. GOOD LUCK!
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