
Yu @metaljester
Yu @metaljester
Would like to know who has them and why if anybody doesn't mind sharing.

Buji @buji
commented on
Buji @buji
I have a slight fear of heights, mainly because falling from them would hurt...
I also have (not a phobia) a fear of holding babies, since I don't want to accidentally drop them

ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
commented on
ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
I have some serious arachnophobia. If I see a spider I practically jump three feet and scream. This happened to me at work, even, and I try to stay calm at work... but spiders... fucking spiders!

Yu @metaljester
commented on
Yu @metaljester
I used to have chilopodophobia which is the fear of centipedes myself more specifically the more known one you see which is orange and black and usually relatively big compared to others. I eventually got out of the fear though quite a bit of effort was needed.

tolliverasleon @tolliverasleon
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tolliverasleon @tolliverasleon
I have a mild phobia of heights and a severe phobia of a certain insect.

toe @toe
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toe @toe
I've got a pretty bad case of haphephobia which is the fear of being touched.
I just don't like it when people touch me or invade my personal space unless I verbally tell them it's ok or something. It just makes me uncomfortable and nervous to be hugged or touched because I feel like I'm being forced to come in contact with them.

ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
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ฅ(=^・ェ・^=)ฅ Vintage_Neko @vampire_neko
I hate clown dolls because I saw Poltergeist when I was a kid and there is a scene where a clown doll drags a kid under a bed. Right after that my grandma sent me a clown doll and I barely slept for a month, had to have it taken out of my room. I was scared of that thing for years. Also some ventriliquest dummies are creepy as hell, not fond of most dolls.

xueli @xueli
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xueli @xueli
Can't do cockroaches. Like the giant ones we seem to have by the buttload in Texas. Urrrgh >~< Other than that, heights though I have to suck it up for work.
@toe I don't have a phobia of it, but I dislike it when people I'm not close with get super huggy on me. I get a mild sense of suffocation when people do that. Mentally I'm just like too close, too close!. I hate it when people pat my head though (why do a lot of otaku guys do that? So weird!). It's simultaneously a personal space and a cultural thing though.

katelyncalamity @katelyncalamity
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katelyncalamity @katelyncalamity
I have a fear or anything sharp and being pointed towards me. I mean it is not as simple as "Oh of course anyone would be scared if someone pointed a knife at them" I have a very bad fear, where sometimes I will freak the hell out if even a pencil is pointed in my direction or if someone close to me has sharp nails.
Another one is The fear of being rejected by someone. But I think everyone is scared of being rejected. (And I do not mean the "senpai doesn't notice me" stuff)

Yu @metaljester
commented on
Yu @metaljester
Glad people took interest on the forum here for phobias thanks everybody for your input so far.
@Xueli I think when I was really young I could have considered myself afraid of cockroaches or as they say katsaridaphobia I believe thats what it is called. I am glad I do not have phobophobia though the fear of fear or others. Knew somebody who I think did.
@vampire neko I understand where you are coming from here although im not really scared of them myself its whenever they reach the uncanny valley of dolls or certain parts are over pronounced is when they start seeming creepy for me.
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