WoW/LoL friends.
Xarioth @xarioth
WoW/LoL friends.
Xarioth @xarioth
I've gotten back into playing World of Warcraft and a little League of legends recently and need some friends to play with. I'm by no means good at either unfortunately but I do have 5 90's on two different realms. I'm more of a PvP person rather than a PvE but I'm trying to get into it. I'm currently trying to decide on what to level next, but I'm on my Holy Priest right now. If anyone wants to play and talk about manga or something I'm always down, my skype ID is - Xarioth if you want to add me on there since I don't know what you'd need to add on WoW to make friends. Though my LoL ID is - htoiraX (UNFORTUNATELY Xarioth has RIOT in it which isn't allowed...) I'm always on Skype though, so I'd prefer you add me on there, don't be shy!
pemer1 @pemer1
commented on
WoW/LoL friends.
pemer1 @pemer1
Sure i play WoW all my toons are on Argent/Scryers but we can still talk add Cadrice
megz2290 @megz2290
commented on
WoW/LoL friends.
megz2290 @megz2290
I don't use skype unfortunately, but I do play WoW. I have 5 90's over 3 different servers. All people need to add you as a friend for any Blizzard game is your battletag. Add me if you like - Megera2290#1213 =)
Xarioth @xarioth
commented on
WoW/LoL friends.
Xarioth @xarioth
Yeah I have 7 90's now, but I only have like 3 more days of game time, started playing ArcheAge which is about to go public beta. My battle tag is Xarioth#1912
darknz @darknz
commented on
WoW/LoL friends.
darknz @darknz
If u or anybody else wants to play league hit me up. Currently play on N.A. Names Jet Lis Bro
Ochibi @ochibi
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WoW/LoL friends.
Ochibi @ochibi
I'll be returning to WoW soon. Gotta prep for that new expansion! :3
I'm more PVE though. PVP was never my thing, mainly the reason why I can't get into LoL.
akise_aru79 @akise_aru79
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WoW/LoL friends.
akise_aru79 @akise_aru79
Just started playing WoW ( i know pretty late ) I played swtor so im not new to mmos. I'm on an rp server and apparently its in California too
pjsmename @pjsmename
commented on
WoW/LoL friends.
pjsmename @pjsmename
I play WoW; Soul#11103. Add me if you want. I am beginning to stream my game; I like streaming and commenting, though I just started =P
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