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Tell us an intresting fact about yourself

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I'm partially Color blind, but yet I overcame it to teach computer graphics at a school for students with learning disabilities and emotional disorders.
Well lets see...I created my first computer program using the 'BASIC' language at the age of 8. Then when I was 13 I got my first sponsor for skateboarding, which was just some local skate shop, but it was really awesome getting free decks!haha..and I guess another interesting fact would be that I drew my first picture at the age of 4 but thats still kinda debatable due to the fact I really cant remember doing that but my mom swears I did!haha...well thats about it for me!
I can touch any brand of towel and know what store it came from, I sh*t you not
Almost died at the age of 19 by the fangs of a rattlesnake... I was out looking for a pet rattlesnake. Went to this mountain parked at the very top to be able to scout better. At this park that has automatic gates. SO Im looking n looking all day not finding a thing. The sun is starting to go down (the time the gates close)I start hiking my way back up the mountain to my car when I hear the rattle. I go back. Turns out it was a baby one. I quickly find a stick and pin its head down. Since it was a baby tho, I was being gentle with it. With one hand pinning it down I went to grab it with my other. It slips out of my pin last sec and strikes. I back up very calmly curse silently several times. lol Take off my belt and immediately wrap my wrist with it and start making my way back to the car without the rattlesnake. About half way up I notice I'm starting to struggle. Meaning my blood is pumping faster. So I decide to take the longer way up to keep my heart rate in check. By the time I get to my car my hand is soo swollen I tried to make a cut to have the poison bleed out and nothing would come out (didn't have a knife on me from the beginning). Now by the time I got to my car the gates to the park had closed. I drove around the mountain until I was able to find someone who could open the gates. 2hrs have passed My arm is in severe pain but I drive home. I get home then decide I'm hungry. Boiled some hot dogs. Sat down watched some tv...hahaha You must be wondering WTF lol When I was little I watched alot of discovery and herd the storys of people surviving bites. I knew all the steps to take and thought I was bad ass enough that my body would make the anti-venom itself with time. So then I try to fall asleep...time passes and the pain in my arm would not subside. 7HRS LATER... I call an ambulance. They get there SUPER confused...Like uhhh we were called for a snake bite victim? "Yup thats me!" They give me this strange look like -someone who is dieing should not be this calm- kind of look...Had to show them my swollen hand as proof. Calmest snakebite victim they ever had. I gave them a look right back like -what are you complaining about- and said "Isn't that what I am supposed to do to stay alive?" So long story still pretty long...everything was not alright. Not sure if it was because it was a baby rattlesnake that I had a hefty dose of venom to deal with or if it was the fact I chilled and tried to tough it out for 7hrs. A few blood transfusions and a week n a half later I went home with a gnarly story and my hand looking just as gnarly. Healed up just fine with tiny nerve damage so my thumb is numb in one spot
Lol fkin kiro... should of just went with "I play guitar?" lmao. Let's see, I've lived in 7 different states visited 19 and haven't had the common cold since I got pneumonia at the age of 11. Also idunno if it's interesting but I love too much! I've only ever been in long-term relationships, 3, to be exact. 2 years, 3 years, 7 years. WHO WANTS MY LOVE!? We can be penginz and mate for life~ YOU ALL WANT TO BE MY PENGU'S I KNOW IT!
Of all my friends, I am the only one who knows how to properly sew using a sewing machine. You can guess I often get inquiries for sewing tasks (not that it really bothers me).
@misskitteh, That's actually pretty cool, hahahaha. Is it like in the thread count or something?
-I died and then came back to life when I was 8. I'll never forget it. About choked to death on a piece of butterscotch candy. XD Seriously though, I was DEAD for at least a minute or two, or so my mother told me. It was cold, black, and dark. First there was panic, a pathetic desperation, expectations to be able to breathe, a clutching at my throat, airless attempts to cry for help, only met with the disappointment of nothing. My heart pounded wildly inside my chest. It felt as if my heart was punching my lungs! My body began to feel tingly, then came a wave of numbness from my head to my toes, after struggling for breath to no avail for a while, my pulse faded; I could hardly hear my heartbeat. My vision blurred along with the numbness. The colors and distorted images I saw were like the static from an old t.v. I could still hear my mother screaming, grabbing me, though her touch was but a slight tingle. She cried frantically for my father. Then my eyes felt as if they were heavy, yet bulged and pulsing, fast but then slow, my ears rang until the ring muted out all other sounds. My heartbeat stopped abruptly, then everything went black. The sensation of coldness besides the vast, infinite darkness was the last "deathly" thing I remember. I "woke up" gasping for air, with my father's arms wrapped around me. The tingling sensation returned, this time, leaving the actual feeling of my flesh; the warmth returning to my body. The butterscotch candy lie from the floor across from me. That is why I don't like butterscotch. Tastes like death to me. -I won my first and only art show when I was 13. It was pretty much myself against an entire (small town) high school art class whose students had at least 1-4 years of professional art instruction. I had no experience whatsoever, I was a middle schooler! XD
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