naruto madara uchiha vs itachi uchiha

kakashe @kakashe
naruto madara uchiha vs itachi uchiha
kakashe @kakashe
who you think would win madara our itachi i think itachi

lastmanonmars @lastmanonmars
commented on
naruto madara uchiha vs itachi uchiha
lastmanonmars @lastmanonmars
Itachi all the way! Thank you for asking this question, I was thinking about it not to long ago. Itachi gets s**t done, and by my standards, the only real ninja in Naruto.

controlstylez @controlstylez
commented on
naruto madara uchiha vs itachi uchiha
controlstylez @controlstylez
Itachi Bro he really is the hero of the village. i really respect him a lot he was a boss from the beginging & till the end. Sasuke My Favorite Character Tho

kakashe @kakashe
commented on
naruto madara uchiha vs itachi uchiha
kakashe @kakashe
ya i agree itachi wise and he is clever madara is cocky

itachi441 @itachi441
commented on
naruto madara uchiha vs itachi uchiha
itachi441 @itachi441
I believe I would win. :P
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