Any Conventions near New Jersey?

silvercoin @silvercoin
Any Conventions near New Jersey?
silvercoin @silvercoin
So i moved to New Jersey a while ago, and im sure there is something, but i dont know where to search for this. any conventions happening this year?

Pawlitics @pawlitics
commented on
Any Conventions near New Jersey?
Pawlitics @pawlitics
A ton! By North Jersey you have Castle Point Anime Convention(which is in around two weeks), AnimeNEXT, MangaNEXT (though this hasn't been held in a couple of years), New York Comic Con, CloverCon, MiraiCon, ShinkouCon, and in South Jersey you've got Kotoricon. If you're willing to drive an hour or three there's Zenkaikon, Katsucon, Otakon, Anime Boston, Anime USA, and a whole bunch more. We're smack dab in the middle of a ton of conventions! There are also occasionally Anime Experiences held in Philadelphia, which are like mini-cons, and there are a bunch of comic and sci-fi conventions held in NJ too (but they're rather small). Philcon is the oldest sci-fi convention there is and it's held in South Jersey.

Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
commented on
Any Conventions near New Jersey?
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
All cons this year. Just take a gander and see what's close enough for you, And your budget.

silvercoin @silvercoin
commented on
Any Conventions near New Jersey?
silvercoin @silvercoin
awesome, thanks a lot :D
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