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Ladies:Ever have older men ask you out? does it scare you?

When I was younger, I can't say I really had any incidents with older men other than a mutual interest with a 22 year old when I was 17. As soon as I turned 18, BAM. I've had men as old as 68 ask me if I wanted to go out to dinner or be their special companion for the night. The real kicker is that most of these older men don't think I'm 18, but rather younger. As far as personal preference goes, I like to stay with 5 years older than me or 3 years younger. I'm sure that as I get older my range will widen, but for now, I think that if I try dating a boy younger than 15 (and these would be strictly non-sexual relationships, of course. I don't want any trouble with the law, unlike some aforementioned fogies) I'd be super creepy.
Well I don't really care for that because when you meet someone the least you can do is guess their age and if you hit it off well and there's mutual interest I think age don't really matter. By any means I'm not saying people should disregard the age factor when it comes to minors because both parties have the same preference.
My range is at most 79 years older than me or 54 years younger. any younger or older, pls dont talk to me.
You heard the man this is pointless in lov and dating
no no no... if you're 80 years older or greater than me, then your application is invalid
Oh ok people my mistake age does matters sorry for the confusion
lol I feel bad for girls having to deal with creepy old men like myself hitting on them... eh I should stop sometime ... meh.. maybe.
I have what the women in my family call a "curse" where if a guy is 70+ apparently you are ok to chat me up... So not ok. Kinda used to it now though so I just politely decline. I'm 24 btw.
Do girls in their 20's really consider guys in their early 30's to be too old to date? I don't see it as that big of a gap. I'm 31 and my range is like 20-40, even 19 if she was very mature for her age. I still look like i'm in my early 20's though. Maybe that's why I attract women better in real life than I do online, because they don't know how old I am until I tell them. Unfortunately finding women that share my hobbies and interests in real life is difficult and so relationships don't really form. Trying to find an otaku gal is tricky enough so I can't be too picky about the age I guess. Finding male otaku's of any age is far easier I think. As anime fandom in the US becomes more mainstream I think that is changing though.
Oops, double posted! Sorry.
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