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are otaku girls really hard to find?

I find that a lot of us older people tend to end up on con staff rather than as con goers. On a general note though, I think it's highly based on where you are. Being in Houston, I don't really see a lack of female anime watchers.
Apr 18, 14 at 10:44pm
Im a potato. :3
nope, we're here and ready to mingleā€¦ ^_^ haha!
iv been to a couple of cons and i guess it really does depend on where your at and what crowd you hang out with... the places iv been there's been a hugs amount of single otaku girls around or all ages. heck the last time i went to the con in new york there were some grandparent aged people there. i thought it was pritty cool. i think it just really depends on what your looking for in a girl.i know the groups i usually go with are blazing proud and LOUD that were otakus lol.O.o although mabey thats why we get odd looks from the vendors >.<
Glad that you are here noodle, but you are also 17. For a lot of the guys on here, that puts you off limits. They say that age is just a number, but 17 can get you 20. Besides, the person you are at 18-21 is usually not remotely the person you will be at 28-31. After that things tend to settle down somewhat, at least for me. How many of the older anime fans here have had friends that drifted away from anime and cons and such? I know I have had it happen with friends.
technically 17 can get you 20 based on location and parental consent :P But no, for real, con staff man. I don't think I've met a staffer who's under 21. (Cause lord knows we're all drinking hard after the con's over....)
True Xueli and in my state 17 would be legal, but that mean that it would go over well. Besides, this website is multi-state, so you have to take into account the laws of where each person lives. I appreciate the idea of con staffers. The problem I have ran into with that is that: a. I would estimate 75% of con staff are male, at least based on the cons I have attended. b. Unless you hit a lot of cons, that seriously limits your chance for exposure to someone. 3. Usually the con staff is worked hard and ran ragged during the con, so I hate to bug them any more than they already are. Still, con staff is a good idea. Since you are experienced at the staff side of things, how likely would you be to respond to some guy during a con in which you are working as staff?
(looks to my left and to my right) I don't see any otaku girls or fujoshi as far as the eyes can see. (little joke) I do live in a HUGE city, same as Xueli, so the numbers/chances are high as she mentioned. Just hard to meet one for numerous of reasons. Still, people shouldn't give up on what they are lookin' for ne? I think one of the best places to meet one is at a anime/manga/gaming convention. There are as many of them as there are to guys. Just strike-up a conversation; I do it all the time when I'm in line for something.
I feel like I keep making this same post every few months. It doesn't matter how few you run into if you never make a move (To those of you that do, good job). Anime and other media teaches us to beat around the bush too much and wait till the other confesses. For guys this often results in being rejected because the person of interest is comfortable with you in a Platonic way. Doesn't matter if you find only a few, see a girl you fancy? Be honest and tell her but be classy about it.
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