AngelXMikey Here!

angelxmikey @angelxmikey
AngelXMikey Here!
angelxmikey @angelxmikey
Hi my names Mike, Im an Animator on Youtube. I make parodies and some of my own works. You can check out my channel here :3
I just recently got a double lung transplant, so I ready to get back out there and meet someone. Preferably someone that knows what I'm Talking about when it comes to animation and anime ;D

exploudersuplex @exploudersuplex
commented on
AngelXMikey Here!
exploudersuplex @exploudersuplex
Hey Dude! I just checked out some of the stuff on your channel and it's pretty cool. What software do you use?

angelxmikey @angelxmikey
commented on
AngelXMikey Here!
angelxmikey @angelxmikey
My earlier videos i used Adobe Flash CS6, but now i use Toonboom Animate Pro 2

xingthecrow @xingthecrow
commented on
AngelXMikey Here!
xingthecrow @xingthecrow
Nice grumps animations, dude.

chrisma @chrisma
commented on
AngelXMikey Here!
chrisma @chrisma
lol funny stuff on your youtube channel. :)
welcome to the site! ^_^

Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
commented on
AngelXMikey Here!
Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9

Nessu @nestlepanic
commented on
AngelXMikey Here!
Nessu @nestlepanic
fight me Trolling~

rozecosplay @rozecosplay
commented on
AngelXMikey Here!
rozecosplay @rozecosplay
Welcome ^-^
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