Final Fantasy 15

okaberintarou @okaberintarou
Final Fantasy 15
okaberintarou @okaberintarou
What do you guys think about the new combat system in the new final fantasy?

xingthecrow @xingthecrow
commented on
Final Fantasy 15
xingthecrow @xingthecrow
It's a step up from the usual Active Time Battle (atb) or turn base style that the usual fantasy uses (unless you're one to prefer that) and it's a bit reminiscent of how Kingdom Hearts is played. My fear is that the fighting may be a little automatic as there seem to be more cinematic events that are triggered through actions from what I've seen in the trailer. But I am stoked to experience a Final Fantasy where you are fully mobile during combat.
I wasn't that into the Final Fantasy XIII series so I hope I'll like this one. Looks great.

DJOkami @djokami
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Final Fantasy 15
DJOkami @djokami
I assume from what I read that they are using the combat system from FF13. I sort of liked/disliked it with the changing. I don't have a real yay or nay about it. I personally think they should adapt the real life action combat that they implemented in 13-3 Lightning Returns. That combat has not gotten dull and puts me right on the edge of my seat. makes it more interesting than the turn based combat or maybe I am spoiled.

Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
commented on
Final Fantasy 15
Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
It's going to suck. Because they've hyped it up soo much, people are going to expect way too much from it, it won't meet the expectations and it will be a flop. That's my guess

Mune @mune
commented on
Final Fantasy 15
Mune @mune
It looks like KH, but slightly different. I think I will like it.
They have been working on the game for a long time, I think since 2006.
I've been waiting patiently for this game for 8 years.
I just want to play it already and am planning on getting a PS4 to play it.
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