One Wish!
Forneus @forneus
One Wish!
Forneus @forneus
If you had one wish and the only stipulation of the wish is that no matter how hard you try this one wish is all you have, what would you wish for?
If you wish for a genie he/she can not grant you any wishes, because you used your wish, if you wish for more wishes it will not work one and only one!
Karasu @kain_karasu
commented on
One Wish!
Karasu @kain_karasu
Can we wish for anything as long as it's not wishing for more wishes or alterations of trying to get more wishes? If so then I'll go with the answer I gave to what supernatural being would you want to become:I'd be a god, because being immortal and having the ability to use the laws of the universe for your own whims sounds like a lot of fun...
Is that allowed?
Forneus @forneus
commented on
One Wish!
Forneus @forneus
Yes that would be allowed, however the wish to be a god is very broad and can be taken in an infinite amount of ways. Example: I wish to be a god, without any details or precision to the wish you could end up the god of cows.
So here is mine, which is pretty much the same as yours.
I wish to know all the knowledge of past, present, and future of this world and all others!
to be god in short, but with my wish I know everything including immortality, invulnerability because I would know all of the knowledge (all of it) so the secrets of the universe but my wish surpasses that. So yes any and all wishes are allowed!
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