(Girls) Looking for a relationhip

lonelylittleheart @lonelylittleheart
(Girls) Looking for a relationhip
lonelylittleheart @lonelylittleheart
Hiya um... I'm kinda new to this sort of thing. Mostly you can look at my profile and see what I'm sorta looking for in a girlfriend. A few things I should add I can be a bit perverted sometimes... oh who am I kidding? Most of my pre-teen and teenage years -and still to this day- dinner conversations are about sex or eventually get back to sex! I am also pretty kinky but I'm also really innocent I find the best pleasures in life come from a good cuddle/snuggle that and sometimes I will pick up an innuendo in a snap and other times it's gone right over my head. I am recovering from a recent surgery (2/6/14) so my online-offline schedule is kinda wonky right now. So... yeah please feel free to message me and check out my profile for some more info on me. Thanks you for taking the time to read! <3

Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
commented on
(Girls) Looking for a relationhip
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
Not talking to you cause no pinkie pie love. Sorry :p

lonelylittleheart @lonelylittleheart
commented on
(Girls) Looking for a relationhip
lonelylittleheart @lonelylittleheart
And I'm sorry but I believe I stated on my profile that I don't date guys sorry this post was unclear that I am a lesbian looking for a girlfriend I'll clear it up so hopefully this incident won't happen again, and I'm sorry to sound rude but you are already talking to me by commenting on this if you saw something you didn't like perhaps you should have ignored it?

Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
commented on
(Girls) Looking for a relationhip
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
It was a joke. I know how to read...

lonelylittleheart @lonelylittleheart
commented on
(Girls) Looking for a relationhip
lonelylittleheart @lonelylittleheart
I'm sorry but I am not in the best of moods right now as I said in the post I recently had surgery I'm in a lot of pain and quite frankly checking my email trying to ignore the pain and seeing that wasn't exactly making my evening pleasant.

LaLa_chan13 @lala_chan13
commented on
(Girls) Looking for a relationhip
LaLa_chan13 @lala_chan13
Hello ^-^

lonelylittleheart @lonelylittleheart
commented on
(Girls) Looking for a relationhip
lonelylittleheart @lonelylittleheart
Hello vwv
How are you?

LaLa_chan13 @lala_chan13
commented on
(Girls) Looking for a relationhip
LaLa_chan13 @lala_chan13
I'm good, I read your profile and I think we have a lot in common. How are you?

Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
commented on
(Girls) Looking for a relationhip
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
All I said was about pinkie pie, I don't know how that would upset someone, but I'm sorry.

lonelylittleheart @lonelylittleheart
commented on
(Girls) Looking for a relationhip
lonelylittleheart @lonelylittleheart
@Lala_chan13 I read yours as well I think we'll get along just fine. ^^ I'm doing better then yesterday actually. How about you?
@jikokun Basically the way I read it was you weren't going to talk to me because I like My Little Pony which all good for you for having your own opinion but if you didn't like it why bother commenting?
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