How should I prepare for Valentine's day?

Arc @arc
How should I prepare for Valentine's day?
Arc @arc
Okay, so I decided that this year I want to switch it up a bit.
Usually I just have some chocolates and a box of tissues to sob with as I cry myself to sleep in front of my cat. Any ideas on how to spice up the one day where I allow myself to wallow in self-pity and loneliness? I was thinking a sombrero might make things a bit more festive.

sumomo220 @sumomo220
commented on
How should I prepare for Valentine's day?
sumomo220 @sumomo220
Ok one you need two sombreros one for you and one for your cat. Then you need a step two. Finally enjoy (-_-) not very helpful i know XD i just couldnt get the thought of cats in sombreros out of my head. *Runs off*

. @saita
commented on
How should I prepare for Valentine's day?
. @saita
My advice is a plane ticket and two bullets.
Let's end it brother, I don't wanna deal with another Valentines Day. D8

Arc @arc
commented on
How should I prepare for Valentine's day?
Arc @arc
A cat sombrero is a pretty good idea. Not sure if my cat would agree, though.

Animekid @animekid
commented on
How should I prepare for Valentine's day?
Animekid @animekid
Just treat it like any other day and the cat probably wouldn't lol.

sumomo220 @sumomo220
commented on
How should I prepare for Valentine's day?
sumomo220 @sumomo220
Lol yeah i kind of doubt it but all you need is perspective and a camera to have all the silly cat pictures you could ever want.
Also both of youes no bullets on valentines day

Arc @arc
commented on
How should I prepare for Valentine's day?
Arc @arc
I know it's tough, Shinyumi, but the chocolate flavored chocolates with raspberry stuff inside help a little

. @saita
commented on
How should I prepare for Valentine's day?
. @saita
That reminds me, I forgot there was a band named Bullet For My Valentine. LOL

sumomo220 @sumomo220
commented on
How should I prepare for Valentine's day?
sumomo220 @sumomo220
...chocolate FLAVORED chocolate...
You sir are being frauded from the wonderful taste of actual chocolate...forget the rasberry junk go find yourself lots of candybars and ice cream those always make people feel better...t..then fat but never mind that last bit.
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