Time for serious questions.

Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
Time for serious questions.
Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
Alright. Time to discuss the really serious questions in life. Is there life after birth? Is the bear Catholic? Why is there air? Does the frog have a water tight hiney? And the big question, If a man speaks in the woods, and there is no woman there to hear him, is he still wrong?

kurokame @kurokame
commented on
Time for serious questions.
kurokame @kurokame
Yes he is, its just the way it works ,They're always right,even when there wrong, think of being male as you would in the custumer service industry, the women is the consumer, and the customer is always right. I know this but my mouth doesnt And I catch hell for it.

anarqe @anarqe
commented on
Time for serious questions.
anarqe @anarqe
Wait it is all a contradiction, we will not know untill we have a woman's perspective. Since we are all men here we are all wrong. Since there is no woman here, then we are all still wrong?

Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
commented on
Time for serious questions.
Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
Goddess Humor has gone missing. Anyone seen her?

prime_pm @prime_pm
commented on
Time for serious questions.
prime_pm @prime_pm
I like to think...wait, no I don't. It just confuses me further.

Sobi @sobi
commented on
Time for serious questions.
Sobi @sobi
I would love to answer this question for you, but I won't because If I say you're wrong that will make you right. LOL.

Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
commented on
Time for serious questions.
Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
Now Goddess Humor is present. You all had me worried there for a while. Now I feel comfortably confused. Just as it should be!

Sobi @sobi
commented on
Time for serious questions.
Sobi @sobi
If you're confused then my work here is done. ^_^

Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
commented on
Time for serious questions.
Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
You have to love it when all is right with the world!

I_shower_with_oldspice @mmysama
commented on
Time for serious questions.
I_shower_with_oldspice @mmysama
If a woman gets all sassy in the woods and no one's around to hear, does she still need to go back to the kitchen?
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