This beautifull yet ugly world
lebod110 @lebod110
This beautifull yet ugly world
lebod110 @lebod110
Always say hello never get a fellow
They say i'm lost and confused but thats only to their amuse
I'll never be muted!
I love chatting lets be friends like matting.
Cracking!? No-no thats not my bashing!
Trust, mistrust, distrust, got a lot of scars wanna see them! Sorry can't They are not visible cause they are not like a pinnacle.
Life is hard! try to find a hive! And not your demise!
Enough enough enough enough thats what they said, all this words all this thoughts what do i do with them? They are going nuts!
Murder murder murder the thoughts are only going further
Ignored abhorred how sad?!
I'm already confused do i still need to be misused?
I'm yelling i'm screaming.....but no answer....
No one to comfort me, no one to wake me up from this terrible dream!
No it can't be right
It can't be
It can't be
Its just horrible isn't it?
sassyspark @sassyspark
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This beautifull yet ugly world
sassyspark @sassyspark
That's deep, man.
I bet a lot of people can feel this.
lebod110 @lebod110
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This beautifull yet ugly world
lebod110 @lebod110
Ahw thx! I appreciate it :D
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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This beautifull yet ugly world
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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lebod110 @lebod110
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This beautifull yet ugly world
lebod110 @lebod110
Amen! -_^
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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This beautifull yet ugly world
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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lebod110 @lebod110
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This beautifull yet ugly world
lebod110 @lebod110
I'm a sample being tied by a shackle
It was a noise not a choice
Being tied by destiny?
What a fate!
It wasn't meant to be this way!
You know i was always wondering why won't we humans just unite as one?
We're selfish! It isn't a rareness! Its sexless!
Male, female, whats the difference! Inferences?!
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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This beautifull yet ugly world
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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lebod110 @lebod110
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This beautifull yet ugly world
lebod110 @lebod110
Matchless that is what they said i am.
Is it due to my madness?
Then i'll accept it!
I'm not oppressed neither am i offended!
Is it due my lacking of understanding?
No i'm the only that can bear this burden, like a person!
I'm dried but still, i'll carry this with pride!
Hope you guys liked this one -_^
M u g i ❤ @stellalina
commented on
This beautifull yet ugly world
M u g i ❤ @stellalina
And then you took your pantsu off.
The threads of delicious pink and white,
Striped all over my heart
A rush of crimson red flowers filled the sky
As I watch the clouds and red flowers float as if time itself stopped
I didn't realize until I hit the floor
That I nosebleed all over your door.
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