Black★Rock Shooter

♥Jessie♥ @manekineko14
Black★Rock Shooter
♥Jessie♥ @manekineko14
Also known as ブラック★ロックシューター. Has anyone seen the O.V.A? I watched it and was instantly pleased. Very nice animation and likeable characters. I enjoyed it very much and hope that the OVA gets enough views to start an adequate anime series! My favorite character is Kuroi Mato (黒衣 マト). And my favorite pairing is MatoXYomi (マトXヨミ). What about you? ^w^

gothicdollfie @gothicdollfie
commented on
Black★Rock Shooter
gothicdollfie @gothicdollfie
I loved this <3
It was a very good ova, I do hope it becomes a series too! :D

kurokame @kurokame
commented on
Black★Rock Shooter
kurokame @kurokame
love the ova black rock shooter but the hate the song. Personally I'm surprised it caught on so fast At the last con I attended there where at least 5 cosplayers dressed as the title character,one definitely was a dude though.

lava @iatemylavalamp
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Black★Rock Shooter
lava @iatemylavalamp
I LOVE this ova. Honestly I was not expecting it to be so good. It actually made me cry~ :D

1337 @the1337
commented on
Black★Rock Shooter
1337 @the1337
i would like it if this was came from a series. oh well its a ova, seems short for me.
i like miku's song "World is Mine"

dead account @kyuuchan
commented on
Black★Rock Shooter
dead account @kyuuchan
loved it!!

Squirrel_in_my_coffee @squirrel_in_my_coffee
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Black★Rock Shooter
Squirrel_in_my_coffee @squirrel_in_my_coffee
I'm interested in seeing it. ^^ Do you know how long the series is?

OkuuFusion @cyclone_oxide
commented on
Black★Rock Shooter
OkuuFusion @cyclone_oxide
Loved it... Especially the slice of life parts, which most people seemed to hate... Heard theres a second OVA in the works, which is good... Need more Yuu...

Kaji @kajithevagrantsoul
commented on
Black★Rock Shooter
Kaji @kajithevagrantsoul
I only saw a trailer of it, and a bunch of vids about it. I still don't know if I like it or not.....
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