Money in politics

Jacob~AnimeLover~Long @lagannfan
Money in politics
Jacob~AnimeLover~Long @lagannfan
How much do you believe money change the outcome of a race?
I actually have personal experience with this issue.
No doubt money can be thrown at a race and no matter what that will benefit someone. The degree that it will benefit someone depends on how the money is spent.
I ran a race for Dubuque city council last year in a town of over 50,000 people. I was outspent by a large margin.
Here is a link to the campaign disclosure report.
Clicking a name will download their report.
My name is Jacob Long
Opponets name is Joyce Connors
Click on the latest reports
I managed to receive 40% of the vote while being out raised over 20 to 1 and out spent about 30 to 1
Feel free to ask questions.
Basically money isn't everything at a local level race in a medium size town.
What are your general thoughts on money in politics?
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