Looking for a relationship

rachelkouku @rachelkouku
Looking for a relationship
rachelkouku @rachelkouku
Hi, i'm Rachel from USA. I'm 16 and i never had a serious boyfriend. And i'm virgin.
I'm looking for a serious relationship with a boy who loves the anime like me. Just to know
I never had a serious boyfriend. Only some kisses with some guys.
Please answer me, i'm trying to be happy!
Private massaje, please !

himynameisashc @himynameisashc
commented on
Looking for a relationship
himynameisashc @himynameisashc
shame you are a long flight away !!!! haha

Animekid @animekid
commented on
Looking for a relationship
Animekid @animekid
Wow, pretty forward than most with some of that, respect for what it takes to do that. Welcome to Maiotaku. I hope you find what your looking for ^_^

X-Cution @xcution
commented on
Looking for a relationship
X-Cution @xcution
Thumbs up to you for outright saying what you want. Sadly, I'm 21 but you seem great. Good luck.

gene_spurs91 @gene_spurs91
commented on
Looking for a relationship
gene_spurs91 @gene_spurs91
I am 22 and cant honestly go there mam but I will bid you well on that journey may that man you find stay true

dinojimng @dinojimng
commented on
Looking for a relationship
dinojimng @dinojimng
The offer still on the table and does he have to be nearby ;

Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
commented on
Looking for a relationship
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
It's a trap, the party van is waiting.

rachelkouku @rachelkouku
commented on
Looking for a relationship
rachelkouku @rachelkouku
wait a second, I was not saying I wanted a boyfriend to stop being a virgin and having sex every day, I just want a normal boyfriend. the topic of sex does not bother me

Princess Rika @rika_chan93
commented on
Looking for a relationship
Princess Rika @rika_chan93
^^ catfish

canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
commented on
Looking for a relationship
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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