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Perverted girls

. @saita commented on Perverted girls
Apr 07, 14 at 12:00am
Go away, Anna.
No! I'm not leaving without you!
. @saita commented on Perverted girls
Apr 07, 14 at 12:02am
*Summons ice golem thingy*
*throws a snowball at it*
May 29, 14 at 10:17pm
Women are a lot more perverted then you think, I met my gf on here about a month ago and just last week, IDK how, but she got my to completely undress on cam. So yea, women are a lot more perverted than you think....
Wow. Congratulations?
So, let me get this straight. You, a guy, dont know how she, a girl, got you to get nude on webcam... *sigh*... please tell me you're 12 or something and just naive...
This account has been suspended.
May 29, 14 at 11:24pm
No, twas "tit" for "tat"... I know what he means, the internet makes me do...unspeakable things......tehe.....Yes, I have no control! I admi it!...*ahem* Now then, back on topic.... Some are and some aren't. I however, don't think any here would appreciate others telling of their escapades. I know that be so perverts on here, enough said. I just wish my girlfriend was... But noooo....playing bat man instead of playing with me. See, if you're single you know you can get it whenever you want. Your hand doesn't say no, doesn't get headaches, doesn't bleed every month for about a week, doesn't cost you any more money than you want to spend and never complains.:P
No girls on the interwebz.
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