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Perverted girls

I always wanted to doggy style a girl while playing her in a fighting game. All the perverted girls I met in the past were perverted in fucked up ways, not in fun ways.
May 30, 14 at 12:53am
And that's where the power of imagination comes into play. To boldly go where many men have gone before and let loose your inner demon. A conquest one might say. There may be that one time you miss on finding the elusive feminine beast and that's what we fight for men. The wild west of the new age. Weary travelers, let us gather together in our watering holes and exchange the exciting stories of grandeur and unimaginable adventure. If I see a pair of tits and a pussy, is it not a woman? But of course, never mind the beard or burly voice. This is indeed a new age.
Another bot in a thread, gosh...
May 30, 14 at 2:38am
Bot? Who? What? Where? Why?
mmm I have to say in my experience girls can be a hell of a lot more perverted than guys(speaking from experience since I am one)heck most of the time guys look at me funny because I make a perverted comment about something or some how the topic gets on sex and they look at me like iv grown a third head when I start talking about different porn, karma sutra, or what ever.snicker most of the time at a girls night out or sleep over all they really talk about is sex,relationships,anime, henti and well more sex lmao
May 30, 14 at 10:01am
"Kamasutra"...Just saying. There is no over all consensus either way for either sex. We are all hard wired for reproduction, so it's no surprise when sex is on the minds of either sex. We say it's because it feels good, but whether or not you want it, its because your genes are wired to spread. Society seems to dictate what a man or woman is and the the whole gasping effect when one thinks a woman thinks more about sex than a man. We both like sex, just in slightly different ways. In other words... This topic is a moot point to me. Well, some just wanna know who sounds easy here, just a thought.
is it really considered being easy when your just plain open about it? i never really understood why it was such a hush hush conversation in some places. and your right about the people as a whole ( for the most part) enjoy sex. just because people don't mind talking about it doesn't necessarily make them easy and unless your flirting it up with some one it doesn't make you a tease either. and as for the karmasutra bit iv seen it used both ways *shrugg* if its wrong then oops you got the point of what i was saying. ^_^
May 30, 14 at 11:46am
Everyone is perverted, one way or another. Just some aren't as open about it. And I agree with Nova, just because you're perverted or a flirt, doesn't mean you're easy prey
Its kama, not karma. ;)
ahh well never claimed to be good at typing or spelling you got the gist regardless.
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