Hello :)

Marissa :) @mimi22
Hello :)
Marissa :) @mimi22
Hello, I'm Mimi. I've been on here for a while now, but was always nervous to do one of these, but whatever! I love anime, but who here doesn't? I love meeting new people who are into anime and can talk about new/old manga and anime and cosplaying and just be dorks together. I really don't have too many friends that are into anime, so that makes me sad. But yeah! I'd love to talk to new people and just make great friends within the anime community!
And sorry if I'm rambling, I don't really know how these things work. :P
Oh! Anyone going to Katsucon?

Goaway @vaughn
commented on
Hello :)
Goaway @vaughn
Hey there! :D Nice to see another active person!

Marissa :) @mimi22
commented on
Hello :)
Marissa :) @mimi22
Haha, hi! Yeah, try to get on often, but with the new semester starting it's a bit harder :P

roulaze1313 @roulaze1313
commented on
Hello :)
roulaze1313 @roulaze1313
Heyyy gurl :3

Goaway @vaughn
commented on
Hello :)
Goaway @vaughn
That's understandable. School can be very time consuming, especially the second half for me. All my fun art courses are done for right now. XD

Marissa :) @mimi22
commented on
Hello :)
Marissa :) @mimi22
Sammi <3 Look at you being all cute in your picture. ;P
Vaughn: Yeah, I've shot myself in the foot this semester by taking two English classes... For one of them I have to have the first book read by next Wednesday, and the class just started today.

Goaway @vaughn
commented on
Hello :)
Goaway @vaughn
English was my strong suit luckily (kinda). I passed my two honors courses, but now I'm stuck with lame-o math. :x

Marissa :) @mimi22
commented on
Hello :)
Marissa :) @mimi22
I'm majoring in English, well, double majoring with English and Theatre, but still! I dropped my math class last semester because I just couldn't keep up with it :/ I'm putting it off for as long as possible, haha.

Goaway @vaughn
commented on
Hello :)
Goaway @vaughn
That's what I did and now it's coming to bite me. XD My major is in film making. :)

Marissa :) @mimi22
commented on
Hello :)
Marissa :) @mimi22
That's great! I have a friend who moved to Cali our senior year and is studying out there for it. We always joked that she'll write the script and direct, and I'll act in her movies, haha.
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